I'm offering my most sincere apology to you folks, I guess I sorta went off yesterday.
I did learn something along the way. I was held at gunpoint many years ago, and although, it wasn't a robbery, I was bashed in Kansas City (a 2 hour incident), as a young man, in 1979. Alas, I can never serve on a jury connected to any kind of crime with a gun. References to guns, or the sight of a gun makes me crazy. In fact, I have always, always held an aversion to guns, rifles, or hunting, much to the dismay of the male member's of the Texas side of my family, My mother's side of the family are Texan, and my father's side may be from the Central Valley of California, and we call Oklahoma "the old country", or I do, LOL.
No regional bias in the term "Red Neck" was intended, or maybe a bit, LOL. As that is my background, you understand? My apology to any I offended by using that term, in a negative way. I was raised in Texas, by Texans. Actually, here's a term for ya, "GoatRoaper", we used that term growing up in Junior High, in the suburbs of North Central Texas, much like the TV cartoon, King of the Hill. Which is very accurate in my opinion of life in Texas, specifically North Central Texas, near Dallas.
So, Maybe I should examine the email to Connie,  where I suggest  she re-reading and edit what she sends and apply that to myself. Sorry, Connie. Proof that we sometimes teach what we ourselves need to learn.
Connie, I apologize to you and the group for coming on so hard, obviously, I have some issues around guns, and you are a fine lady to take my constructive observations so well, since I could have "softened" my approach. Hopefully you were able to see beyond my emotional response to guns, and could see that in fact, most of my intent was to help you perhaps see another way to approach this problem.
Okay, NOW that I have apologized for my emails and behavior, I can move on, and leave this thread, thanks for reading.
My $100.00 therapy check is in the mail!
NOW, Back to Chihuahuas!I
Bill (SFO) San Francisco CA

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