WHEWWWW, thank you. Gee, it has been rough. I like to run my big mouth and have had so much to say but couldn't say it!! lol the frustration!!! Anyhow, a big thanks to everyone who has tried to help. Just to let everyone know, I was able to read all the post....just couldn't reply. Nice to know so many came to my defense and tried to help, ect.
I wont go back to everything I had originally replied to, ect. but I will take a moment now to welcome all the new members.
I also will take one short moment to defend myself. To whomever made the comment that all my chis are just a bunch that others have not wanted anymore....better reread my dogster sites. My breeding chis are certainly NOT rescue chis. Taz can be considered a rescue in a manner of speaking, but his history has been traced. He was not so much a rescue as a deception played upon an unknowing buyer. The animals that I have rescued over the years have been mixed breed dogs and other animals.....NOT my chis, whom are registered with a well known history.
Also the comment regarding Cookie. I wont go into her story, but I will say that of all things that have ever gotten under my skin, this remark has come closer to making me ANGRY than any that have ever been directed toward me.
OK, 'nough said there. I am through fussing and happy to be back to this wonderful group and hope you all didn't miss me too bad! lol
----- Original Message -----
From: Janisis
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] testing

looks like you fixed it... welcome back

marsha Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
testing to see if prob fixed

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