Yep I know of the soft drink - but Moxi was named after a saying my grandma used to say about me " That girl sure got Moxi "  - the meaning of it is -
* Energy, Pep
*courage, determination
*know-how, expertise
I loved the way she looked at me when she said it to me, grandma is gone now, and I thought of naming her after my grandma - but i thought  Rebecca Elizabeth was a strange name for such a small puppy - Tee Hee    
I used to competition ballroom dancing, and grandma would come watch me ALL the time - and my personality came out in my dancing - that's where the saying came from.          LOL   Connie Major

In a message dated 3/16/2006 11:31:09 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
more joys -
When Moxi gives me kisses and her lil tiny tongue goes right up my nose
- Puppy Breath
_when they give you kisses and they hold your face with there paws
_When you say something to them, and they get excited and tail wags
_ the way they get excited when you come home , even if you just took out the garbage.
_ the way I get attacked every time I lay on the floor by all three dogs/lots of kisses
- The way Moxi puts her paw over my mouth when I tell her "NO" - or Bad Puppy everyone thinks that ones adorable_ I'm not partial to that lil trick.
- When my daughter practices her Saxophone and all the dogs sing with her(although it gets annoying at times)
Those are only a few joys - They make me laugh and smile all day !!
Those are good ones!
Say, I have a question, Did you name your chi Moxie, after the soft drink called Moxie, it's from Maine, where my partner and his family are from. Actually, We're the only ones in his family out of state, as we say in California, or in Mainer lingo, We're away, or from away!
BTW, Tico has to check his "pingha" every time he is told NO, good thing about that, is when he does that, YOU know he's heard you! No doubt!
What about the all day game of fetch! Either his Tennis Ball, or his rope, or any number of other Toys! LOL.
Oh, BTW, For those of you who know I have been dealing with a broken leg for over 6 months, due a Mtn Bike accident. I have good news, I'm out of my cast(s), there were 4 of them, and now I have a wrap around leg brace, for another month, BUT I'm walking, slowly, but I am walking, and I can't tell you how much that means to me! Thanks for all your well wishes.
Yes, Tico has been such a blessing to me during all this. It's been he and I, my emotional support.
Bill- San Francisco (SFO)
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