Daisy used to stand up with her feet on the toilet and watch Jim go.  He wanted me to get a picture but I thought it was a "little" inappropriate!  
-------Original Message-------
From: Janisis
Date: 03/29/06 11:22:34
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] The Joys of Owning a Chihuahua.
The thing Cricket does that cracks me up most is every time I visit the bathroom, Cricket has to root around in my pants and then she has to stand up and watch the water flush down the drain, then she does a little bark if I pee and two little barks for the other. 
I also adore the way she will go to the door and ring her 'tinkle' bells to let the cats IN.  I think the cats are actually grateful.  Each cat has a chase/run relationship with Cricket, sometimes they get going so fast I think they are going to make butter just like Little Sambo and the Tiger in the children's story. 
Sorry about your broken leg Bill... it must have been bad to keep you off your feet for so long.  Glad you are healing.  Will you need physical theraphy?  I'm about to learn a lot about biking and bikers. I'm going on the SF-LA AidsLifeCycle ride in June as a Roadie.   I won't be taking Cricket though.  I'll have to leave her home.  My best pal is riding and wanted to share the pain... hehe... and the joy... *smile...  

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