Actually I would complain about receiving private emails OFF list about a personal issue.  It's nobodies business unless you start the conversation yourself.
-------Original Message-------
From: marsha
Date: 03/29/06 17:15:54
To: Nonnie
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Re: new dog for Marsha
Not that it is anyone else's business, but my son is not in the home and will not be in the home for a while....until he has gotten some help. But, I wont discuss the details of that since some people think they know everything there is to know. Do you really think I would subject the dogs I have in my home now to that any further? I would place my dogs in loving homes before I would subject them to further abuse.
Since you are the one who has had such a problem with my son in the past, let me tell you, he is NOT gone as a way to punish him or because I no longer care for him. He is gone because I DO love and care for him and KNOW he needs help.
That being said, it is a personal issue that I care to discuss only with those who I consider friends and there are a few on this group who fall into that category.
I will cc this to the group, because I want to put everyone's minds at rest from the get go.
----- Original Message -----
From: Nonnie
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: new dog for Marsha

Marsha... someone is moderating the list and a few people are saying what I am saying and I think it is something you should address so I am sending you my comments privately since it is being moderated OFF the list.
Marsha.... before you bring another dog into your home have you dealt with the anger problem of your nephew/son.  Why subject yourself, his sister and another dog to a potentially abusive home.  I am speaking on behalf of your animals.  The situation you went through is not to be taken lightly and needs to be dealt with so it NEVER happens again before you get another dog into your household.

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