You can also keep Karo syrup in their water at all times.  I would suggest a high quality food and Wal-Mart is not the place for that.  I would also suggest a high quality can food and a tablespoon morning and night.  It sounds like he has Coccidia and a severe case at that.  Honey is good, Nutrical is better.  Always make sure they are eating, if they do not like the food you offer, mix it with boiled chicken then slowly remove the boiled chicken until all they are eating is the kibble.  These little ones CANNOT go without food.  If they are not eating, find something they will eat.  Nutrical also stimulates them to want to eat but do not give to much of it you can end up with the runs with will dehydrate your pup.
Good luck, let us know how it goes.

I'm so sorry to hear about Sparky. It sounds like he may have hypoglycimea, hopfully he wont have to have surgery. We're having problems with our little girl "Tia" not eating enough and I constantly worry about her going in to hypoglycimea. I give her a little NutraCal once a day. If you don't have NutraCal on hand I've been told that you can give them a dab of honey everyday.
Please keep us posted on Sparky's progress.
nicksbedwarmer wrote:
 My 12-week-old Chihuahua, Sparky, is at the emergency vet clinic
tonight.  We just got him Tuesday night, late, and he threw up in the
car going home.  Then, he threw up the next morning before going to
my vet for a checkup and a booster, since he was due.  The vet said
it was probably just nerves and getting adjusted to a new home.
Fine.  Yesterday, Friday, he ate nothing at all and only drank a
small bit a couple of times.  Today, Saturday (just to clariy as it's
1:10 a.m. as I type this so technically Sunday) he ate a teeny tiny
amount and drank some but then, about 10:45 p.m., he was sleeping
peacefully on my chest while I read a Chihuahua book I got at the
library and then woke up making a lovely hurling noise and I ran to
the pee pads to let him throw up there.  He threw up brown stuff that
had a slight odor around his mouth after.  He collapsed after that
and wouldn't move from the spot, was even stepping in his vomit.  I
picked him up and tried to get him to drink something.  He wouldn't
have it.  He just looked at me so pathetically and I picked his limp
little body up and put him back on my chest where he promptly went
back to sleep.  I made a mental note to call the vet's office
Monday.  Well, no sooner had I thought that, he started in again
about 20 minutes later and same thing but this time he was a LOT
limper and just wasn't at all the way I think a puppy, even a teeny
tiny one, should be.  I called the emergency clinic and they said to
bring him in so we did.  They did a test for Parvo as they said even
though he had had parvo vaccine from the breeder that it could have
been ineffective as some people let them get warm and it's not
effective or something like that.  Anyway, fine.  That was negative.
They took some blood and popped an IV in him and gave him some
dextrose.  He pepped up with that and they are keeping him until
tomorrow evening, she said, so they can see if they can get him to
eat and what he'll eat and run some more tests.  She said he may have
to be on a different diet than my two Shih Tzus.  I have them
switching right now from the Maxximum Choice stuff they sell at Wal-
Mart to Bil Jac puppy food but he really doesn't seem to want
anything to do with it much though he wolfed down a bowl of it the
first day he was here.  I'm just worried about him and hope he's okay
and it is just a matter of finding a diet he will eat.  She said his
blood sugar was so low it didn't register so it was good I brought
him in.  Pray for my tiny baby everyone!!
P.s. The vet assistant asked if the other puppies acted okay and I
had to admit that I only saw him and one other that was younger than
him as we met the lady at a McDonald's.  She lives on an army base
and said that she "would hate for us to have to try to get on base."
The vet assistant said that, in the future, that should serve as a
big red flag if they won't let you come to their house as something
is usually amiss..dirty conditions..all the pups are sick..whatever.
I'm attached to this little guy though and I told them to do
whatever.  Guesstimate was about $365 and I'm hoping it stays around
that and he doesn't have a blockage.  He's so tiny I don't know if he
could stand surgery.

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