Even if there were no moral dilemma involved in breeding a rescue, I would never want to chance an unknown with one of my babies. You just never know what could result. But, I got tired of trying to defend my self every time I offered to foster a chi, so I stopped. I always have at least one foster, but always a different breed. In fact, just an hour ago, I placed a German Shepard in his forever home....he had been with us since December. But since I love chis so much, I would love to be able to foster a chi even a chi mix....but like I said....got tired of the accusations. No one has ever accused one my pups of being a rescue off spring, they just seem to want to question my intentions when I offer to foster. To me, not worth jeopardizing the integrity of my breeding standards.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sandi
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:26 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Rescue & breeding - was - feeding raw/bad breath

Even though I no longer breed, I've always felt it was my DUTY to rescue - especially when I was breeding.  If I'm bringing in more dogs into this world, then it's my duty to care for the rejected dogs too.  I've always said if you breed, then rescue!!  I have found that most REPUTABLE breeders are happy and support us doing rescue. They've always said better me than them LoL. Doing rescue can bring in endless # of diseases and always seem to cost an endless amount of money.   Most of them are show breeders. So they know who my dogs are, and would instantly know if a rescue popped up in my lines :-P  Even if a purebred rescue comes in, 99% of the time, AKC papers do  not come with them.  So it's not an issue.  I've personally never been questioned.

Now on the flip side - if you rescue and also breed non papered AKC pups - that is usually when a red flag is raised and others might start questioning.

I have been in many debates with rescuers who felt that my breeding was wrong.  That's a completely different situation and we all have our opinions.  Even though I no longer breed, MHO is responsible breeding to better the breed is fine.  And still agree with & 100% support rescue as well.

I now only rescue (bulldogs and mastiffs)....but am looking for my AKC Chi :-)

I say do what you know is right! Follow your heart!  And I ignore the people whom don't agree with me :-)

ALways remember to be honest and do what is right!!!

Sandi Spears
Please help Rolie Polie Olie

Mastiff Hope Rescue

Bulldog Rescue Railroad
Double S Ranch & Rescue

Jen-CA wrote:
Well ya know, it is all for the love of the dogs.  I just cannot look a chihuahua in the face and turn away.  I have them spayed or nuetered and placed.  Mostly older ladies love the rescues.  I have only had a few but it has worked out great and if I can help any chihuahua out then I will.  Who cares what people think.  I am the one who has to look in the mirror every morning.  I know where my heart is and that is good enough for me.  I would never breed any rescue.  They go straight to the vet for a checkup, teeth cleaning and fixing before they even step foot in my house.  My vet usually calls me if they have one needing a home and she will have him/her all ready to go.
Marsha, never care about what others think.  Do what is best for the breed, do what year heart tells you to do.  A lot of breeders are like what you said.  But if they truly loved the breed then they too would do anything for anyone of them.  I commend you for doing rescue no matter what breed.

marsha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I know you are a breeder (I'm on the same chipreg group, lol) so I wonder how do you do a chi rescue without ruining your rep? I do rescue with other breeds, but everytime I even attempt to do a chi rescue I get someone trying to accuse me of doing the rescue for breeding purposes. I mean, like I would EVER breed some unknown dog to my precious little chis! But still, there are those who like to accuse! Has this impacted you any?

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