Ok, I may have spoke to soon, BUT...
I'm going to moderate this group, if it kills me!
I may lose friends here on the group, who take it personal when I ask to stop a thread, that has become divisive.
The group owner, Rose, Gave me the Moderator JOB and task, I knew taking it, that the being a group moderator is a thankless job, Especially, When I didn't start the group in the first place.
If you feel you need to un-subscribe because I am on a task to reduce the amount of hateful emails in this group, then do what you need to do.
Myself, I'm not feeling my best, so I'm not spending every waking moment reading the 200 plus emails this group sends out.
But, all in all, HERE's what will get YOU put on moderation:
Beginning an email with:
Wrong! The preaching to us as a group!
Why can't we just agree to disagree?
There is after all more than one way to raise a Chihuahua.
I have been saying this over and over.
I apologize for my drama before, and saying I was leaving being moderator, or the group.
But some of you who were supporting me taking my time and effort to moderate this group, have angered me, by saying you would leave just because I asked in a polite way to stop that thread, this thread has been covered, Nothing more can be accomplished, but making me sick and tired of this group!
Group Moderator.
If you need to leave the group:

" Lets talk about our wonderful little friends!
Join today! "


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