Lucy it was me that asked, Kathy in PA...LOL
Kathy in PA
Little Chihuahua Kisses
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Jerseee Lass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Linda,
Pebbles is doing great. She is as cute as a button and smart too! I keep my house 70 degrees and she is freezing. Her favorite spot is snuggled inside my shirt.
I recently moved and can't find my digital camera, but I bought a disposable and am going to begin snapping away today. Pictures will be forthcoming!
The Jersey Girls -  Lucy & Pebbles

How is your little Pebbles doing?  Some Pictures please?????
I know what you are talking about, I saw them but can't remember off hand.  If I find them I will let you know, as they were online.
Kathy in PA
Little Chihuahua Kisses
-------------- Original message --------------
From: Jerseee Lass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I'm trying to find a bedding product for my baby chi. I had seen these online a couple of years ago, but I don't know what they're called and I can't seem to find them online now. They were "pouches" made out of quilt and/or blanket fabric. The dog goes inside and curls up to keep warm or to find privacy. I found them with hoops inserted to keep them open, but the ones I saw were simply fabric with no hoop.
Does anyone know what I am describing?
Lucy in NJ

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