Dear Lin: 
Thank you for the good news...I often fear this and though my guys is pretty 
well trained he sometimes scares me @ night..trouble is I cannot see my yard 
entirely and there are woods we walk in out back, so when he does not return 
right away (probably pooping, rarely done at night) I freak out especially when 
I cannot hear the woods rustling from his movement. This rarely happens but the 
few times have been heart stopping. (albeit only minutes)
Your note has made me put the long lead at the door so when its too dark or 
late for me to see, he's not going out unelss he's tethered.
Its even scarier that your dog would not come to strangers. Had she been in my 
area she may not have made it through the cold night. UGH! your plight was 
heart-wrenching. I cannot tell you how grateful my heart is that she's safe and 
that your story has taught me a lesson in a subtle way. I could have been you 
writing that last night myself and I am so moved by it. All the best to that 
Thanks again!
Happy reunion!
Michelle and Henry 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:25 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Sparky's Home!

Hello Friends,
Sparky isn't missing anymore!  I stayed up all night and made a bunch of flyers 
to post on poles around the neighborhood.  I also made small flyers and put one 
in every mailbox around.
Well,  a man who lives one street over from me called and said he thought he 
had seen her and he got my number off one of the flyers on a pole.  I met him 
up on Kings Road and he took me right to her.  I don't know who was 
happier....Sparky or me!  She was really scared and started to run away.  Then 
she realized that it was her mommy coming to save her and she came right to me.
I offered a reward to the man for finding her, but he refused to take any.  God 
Bless this man!  I'm so happy that I'm crying again.  At least this time it's 
happy tears.  I almost made myself sick last night crying.
I really thought I had lost her forever.  Thank you for listening to me gush 
over my baby girl being home again.

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