I asked about the plastic collar and my vet said, they no longer use that anymore. The meds on his stitches were silverish in color, almost like powdered mercury! He did lick it but not so much. Though he did look like he had silver eyeshadow on because of it! His stitches no longer needed to be removed. It was absorbed by the skin and disappeared. Right now, all of the stitches are gone except on teeny tiny thing that's left because it's not in contact with the skin so it's taking longer to melt.

The vet advised no bathing for 2 weeks just so the wound heals well.

On Jan 29, 2008, at 3:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Cesar was neutered at 6 months. The vet did a good job and Cesar was sent home with pain pills (I only gave him one, before he went to sleep that night) and with a plastic collar (to keep him from licking or chewing on the stitches). I hand fed him when we got home, because the collar seemed to get in his way when trying to eat and drink but soon he learned how to maneuver around it. He had to keep the collar on until we went back to have the stitches removed and he never tried to pull it off. So, all went well and all my worries were for naught.


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