The average chi should be feed twice a day. They have a high metabolism and
burn up their sugar twice as fast then a lot of other breeds. It is a good
way to prevent hypoglycemia. It doesn't matter what the shelter fed her or
how often, they give the dogs whatever cheap or donated food they have, and
they feed according to their schedule and not according to the dogs needs.

BTW, you would be surprised how much better and quicker her water level will
increase when you soak her dry food, not only that but you will be able to
reduce the syringe after the third day. The Vet told me to do that, because
the soaked food aids in faster digestion and helps their body to retain the
fluids better.
Do we get to see a picture of this precious little one? I am busting to see
her, lol!

-------Original Message-------
From: freddyscribbles
Date: 5/5/2011 3:23:58 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Re: Help! Not drinking/eating
She's peeing okay. But the skin test still suggests she's relatively
dehydrated. Being in the desert probably isn't helping.

I think the routine will probably be 4-6ml pedialyte in the morning. Warm
water with a tiny bit of honey in the evening. And plane water twice daily
in between.

Unfortunately, there was relatively little information available at the
shelter. I have no idea what her feeding schedule is. She does look a lot
heavier in her shelter photo which must have been taken soon after she

At the moment, she's about 4lbs. She's not dangerously thin. But she could
definitely use a bit more weight on her.

--- In, Peggy & The Girls <phrpg5@...> wrote:
> Right after Gigi's spaying/teeth extractions, (last Sept) she refused to
> drink anything for 3 months. I think it was because she may have had a
> seizure either during or after surgery and it did something to her brain.
> say that, because a week after her surgery she did started to have
> which now are under control and hasn't had any for several months. 
> The only way to prevent dehydration, was to soak her dry food with warm
> water and let it sit for 10 minutes so that it was soft.
> Plus I usually added a little bit of canned dog food. Canned dog food is
> loaded with water, but not a weight gainer.
> It is also a good way to feed them when their teeth are bothering them.
> get a good diet and it is soft enough for them to swallow. 
> I used a 10ml syringe and gave her 4 ml of water at a time, 4x per day and
> then again just before I went to bed. Just squeeze in a couple of drops at
> time and rub their neck downward makes them automatically take a gulp and
> swallow it. You can tell if they are getting enough fluids if they pee at
> least twice a day, preferably they should pee 3x per day. 
> You can use Pedialyte too, but I wouldn't give her too much per day, since
> it does contain a high sugar content, plus she is on Nutra-Cal so you
> t worry about her electrolytes. There's nothing like plain fresh water to
> clean out the kidneys. When she was sick I also gave her small bits of
> boiled chicken with cooked white rice which she loved. Low salt -Cottage
> cheese, 1/2 slice of american cheese are also good. I did try low-salt
> chicken broth, but she refused any type of liquid. She didn't like the
> jar foods either. It's okay to give a dog baby-foods, but not a lot as it
> does contain a high salt level. 
> You never did mention how much Pia weighs. 
> Gigi weighs 6 1/2 pounds and she regularly eats 1/3 cup of dry food per
> and that is split into two meals per day. She also gets one small milk
> biscuit per day which again that is broken in half and given twice a day.
> will give her a little bit of people food here and there, but because of
> her history of seizures I have to keep her on a strict, low protein diet. 
> She has done very well with this diet and in the past whenever I would try
> to give her even a small piece of different type of doggie treat, she
> have a seizure, so I stick to her diet all the time and she seems to now
> doing just fine and acting more like a normal dog.
> -------Original Message-------
> From: freddyscribbles
> Date: 5/5/2011 11:24:33 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Chihuahuas] Help! Not drinking/eating
> Pia seems to be eating okay - not great. She'll eat it if she's fed.
> Ergo, I've found myself spoon feeding just to make sure she gets nutrition
> until she perks up and is eating on her own. I've been giving her a couple
> of beads of nutra-cal as well. But she's not really eating on her own, and
> because I've mostly been giving her prepared food, I can't leave it out
> her as it's perishable and we have rodents around.
> The bigger issue, and this is one the vet noted, she's dehydrated. She
> received subcutaneous fluids yesterday. I've seen her drink a little bit.
> But I don't think she's drinking enough. I've tried putting a little
> stock in her water. I'm going to try warming a little beef brother in a
> But I'm really concerned that she's not getting enough fluid. And I know
> that no one really wants to eat or drink when they're ill. But she's not
> going to get any better until I can get some weight back on her and make
> sure she's getting the right nutrition and enough liquids.
> Help or advice would be welcome.


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