Hi Valerie!! I am staying inside where it is nice and warm and cozy! Lola is
a smartie too! I think that dogs just want us to think that they don't
understand, that way we get frustrated and stop nagging them, or give in,
and  give them what they want anyway....smart strategy! 

Hey, don't work so hard, get out and smell the roses. It will do you a world
of good!


-------Original Message-------
From: Valerie Mockett
Date: 1/15/2012 9:56:21 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Chihuahuas] I think I created a monster!

Peggy,  How are you? Always enjoy your posts just so darn busy to respond
all the time. Loved your story. My Lola did some thing like that one time. 
I was out of can dog food and I gave her dry food, Well she just stared at
it. I told her that is all I have and to eat it. EAT IT. Well to let me know
she understood she took a piece in her mouth and them spit it out to let me
know she heard me and understood.  She just wasn't interested in eating it. 
LOL  They are smart and have good little memories when it suits them. 

From: Peggy & The Girls <phr...@optimum.net>
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 6:11 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] I think I created a monster!

This is too funny. Princess is a finicky eater, and every once in a while
she refuses to eat her kibble all day, so I tried bribery. I told her if she
ate her food then she would get a biscuit. She really understood that,
because I gave her her dish and she walked away. Then I held up a biscuit
but shoved the dish under her and told her to eat, and then the biscuit. I
did that a couple of times, and she finally got it. I also had to repeat 
that a couple of days in a row, but it worked. Now last night and again
tonight, I let her out to do her business first and then fed her. Both times
she guzzled it up and then just sat there staring at me to the point that I
told her to go to her bed. I hate it when they just stare at you for the
longest time, like I am suppose to be a doggie mind reader, LOL. Anyway, she
went to her bed and then came back again, and just stared and stared. I
thought maybe she has to go again, so we did that and she didn't have to go.
Then she sat and stared and stared and stared again. I asked her "Princess
what the heck do you want?" She just sat there staring, and cocking her head
from side to side, as if to say, ''hey can't you read my mind?''
Then I realized..... She ate her food and now she wants to be rewarded for
being a good girl!.....Duh me!! I guess doggie mind reading does work..LOL!
I gave her a biscuit and now she is nice and comfy and asleep on her bed! I
guess this is going to be a forever thing now. I created a cookie monster,


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