Dolly is a bit finicky too. But it is more that some days she just doesn't want 
to eat.  At one time, she wouldn't eat her food but expected a treat everytime 
she came in.  So, I told her that she doesn't get a cookie until she ate her 
food.  It took her a while because she is a grazer, and then when she finished 
her bowl of food, I gave her one of the Mother Hubbard Just Veggin treats.  Now 
when she finishes her food she will bark and then I pretend that I have my eyes 
closed saying 'Did you eat all of your food?' and then I open my eyes and say 
"Good Girl".  Then I give her the 'Veggie Cookie.'  She has decided that veggie 
cookie is what she should get every time that she finishes her kibble.  For 
about two weeks before her hernia busted open, she would eat her entire bowl of 
kibble at one sitting...and I think faster than Desi can get the kibble out of 
his treat toys.  I didn't give her the cookie when she did that, and at first 
she would be barking for me to give it to her.  I just told her that she was 
eating very good and that cookie is only when she doesn't eat good.  This last 
week she is eating out of a bowl that I tuck in the stroller - and just eating 
a little here and a little there.  She has all that meds in her and I can 
understand that when I am taking meds and tired all the time that I don't want 
to eat an entire meal at a time.  It will be interesting - she finished one 
medication today and as four more days of the other one - to see if she will 
start eating a bit here and a bit there, or if she will go back to eating her 
entire bowl at one time.  I kind of think that she was having pain or 
discomfort and eating was a way for her to cope.  I was also giving her the 
Atarax for her respiratory gurgling and thought maybe that made a difference - 
not being a little under the weather.  I will see what happens.
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2012 21:11:51 -0500
Subject: [Chihuahuas] I think I created a monster!




This is too funny. Princess is a finicky eater, and every once in a while she 
refuses to eat her kibble all day, so I tried bribery. I told her if she ate 
her food then she would get a biscuit. She really understood that, because I 
gave her her dish and she walked away. Then I held up a biscuit but shoved the 
dish under her and told her to eat, and then the biscuit. I did that a couple 
of times, and she finally got it. I also had to repeat  that a couple of days 
in a row, but it worked. Now last night and again tonight, I let her out to do 
her business first and then fed her. Both times she guzzled it up and then just 
sat there staring at me to the point that I told her to go to her bed. I hate 
it when they just stare at you for the longest time, like I am suppose to be a 
doggie mind reader, LOL. Anyway, she went to her bed and then came back again, 
and just stared and stared. I thought maybe she has to go again, so we did that 
and she didn't have to go. Then she sat and stared and stared and stared again. 
I asked her "Princess what the heck do you want?" She just sat there staring, 
and cocking her head from side to side, as if to say, ''hey can't you read my 
Then I realized..... She ate her food and now she wants to be rewarded for 
being a good girl!.....Duh me!! I guess doggie mind reading does work..LOL!
I gave her a biscuit and now she is nice and comfy and asleep on her bed! I 
guess this is going to be a forever thing now. I created a cookie monster, lol!!




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