Both my Chis were/are bad eaters, Alice had to be hand fed for a few weeks, now 
eats well and Monte is a sloow semi interested eater. If he gets his meal late 
he won't eat, won't eat treats, canned food, pnut butter, chicken or steak 
while in his crate. How big/old is Blacky, with a healthy dog I would let it go 
hungry for a couple of meals. I leave the food down for 15 minutes and if it is 
not eaten I pick it up and feed again at the regular meal time. I have to feed 
Monte on the couch with me next to him, if I walk away he follows me. But a dog 
from a shelter often has a separation anxiety issue. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
Monte CGC,  MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and  IMPS foster Jordan

Mommabear7772004 <> wrote:

>What have you tried so far ? I would gradually mix what you want her to eat
>in with the table scraps , eventually cutting out the scraps .  A good holistic
>canned food with lots of meat and no
>corn , wheat etc might appeal to her .
>If you can get her to eat that then you can mix some dry in with it .  Again ,
>something with meat as its main ingredients , not corn or wheat .  How are her 
>teeth ? A table scrap diet can be bad for teeth .  Does she crunch
>any dog treats ?
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Jun 24, 2013, at 5:21 PM, "fedupweverything" <> 
>Hi I am very new to this group and i am not sure how all of this works. I was 
>wondering if anyone has had the same problem I am having.
>I got this little girl from a family member who just passed. I have had her a 
>month and i am having feeding issues. My aunt only fed "Blacky" table scraps 
>and I know this is not good for them, but I can't get her to eat anything 
>else. Any suggestions?
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