My dogs don't have 27/7  access to water. Never had in 40 yrs. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC , 
Monte CGC, foster Blue and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus

ann banks <> wrote:

>my vet says never take away water
>Be Happy
>On Sat, Aug 3, 2013 at 5:57 AM, GinbarMinPins <> wrote:
>At not even 8 weeks she has to potty every 2 hours but as long as there is 
>food and a pee pad she will be OK for 4-5 hours. Too many people get dogs over 
>the summer then bam everyone is gone 8+ hours and the dog gets seperation 
>anxiety. She should be put up say with her meals in a crate for some time each 
>day to foster independence or you end up with a dog that can't be left alone. 
>I don't put water in crates and at that age you should get up halfway thru the 
>nite to take her out to potty. 
>Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
>Monte CGC, foster Blue and MinPins HoneyB, and Brutus
>               Http:// 
>-------- Original message --------
>Subject: [Chihuahuas] Me again for more advice...(dont shoot 
>From: leanneb65 <> 
>So my lil chi is almost 8 weeks old. We had a rough night last night but I 
>ended up putting her in the living room so I could sleep..3 hours...
>For most of today she had all the attention should could desire but by 430 pm 
>we had to lave and did not get back until 9pm. We played with her until about 
>1045-1100pm then put her to bed. She is in a large box with a pee pad, 
>blanket, toys, food and water. She spills her water though. Anyways, she will 
>be in there until morning which is a long time. So I took her out for about 20 
>minutes to burn off some energy. I did not pick her up when whining. She was 
>quiet when I did.
>Well, I just want to know if that is to long for her to be alone. She is safe, 
>warm, had food and water and a place to potty. Do you think she will be okay 
>for about another 4-5 hours? 
>Tomorrow we have to leave for about 5 hours again. I just need to know that it 
>is okay to leave her alone for such lengths of time.
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