It is not Chi behavior it is an ill behaved dog behavior. There are many things 
you can do, counter conditioning, use a breath spray in her mouth when she 
barks, use a pinch, give her a command and make her focus on you, use her 
obedience skills, obviously she can't do a sit stay and lunge at the same time. 
Working her at classes IF you really work her couldn't hurt. My Chis were not 
even leash trained and Alice was never socialized so was shy and went to school 
to socialize her. I adopted her at 7 mos old.  Monte is 3 and 8 weeks after 
adopting him he earned his AKC CGC too. My Chi foster Blue is very social as 
well. All are outgoing and friendly even at the vet's. My g/f has 2 BYB Chis 
too and both are friendly. Dogs are brats from poor breeding and often from 
being spoiled. I Dremel my dogs' nails but wouldn't care if a muzzled dog 
fussed. I often do friend's dogs nails and most are much better when Mom is 
gone. I rub my dog's paws while they snuggle upside down and fussing during 
nail trims is ignored unless they try to draw blood. Then they wear a muzzle 
and soon realize they may as well just grin and bear it. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC , 
Monte CGC, and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus

moikalong <> wrote:

>I am a first time chi pet parent. Everyone who sees my Chi in action (barking 
>when people get too close, lunging, snapping) say its Chi behavior. When I 
>fostered her 8 months ago for a month I was warned she was scared and 
>snapped-and she did. About 3 weeks after the foster period was over I received 
>a message that she needed fostering again until she saw a cardiologist about 
>her heart murmur. Well, I grew attached and adopted her. For almost 3 months 
>we attended obedience classes. She improved but continues her behaviors. Most 
>recently I discovered a groomer who does $5.00 nail trims. (I usually take her 
>to a dog boutique that offers nail trims, but decided to try this place after 
>they did such a good groom of my poodle ). Well, I took her in and when the 
>groomer tried to touch her she growled and snapped. They asked if I had a 
>muzzle (I did). After putting it on, I was told to pick her up and hand her to 
>the groomer. I explained that doing that would agitate her a nd that another 
>groomer simply took the leash and walked away. Well, one person picked her up 
>while the groomer attempted to trim her nails. She whined and howled. I turned 
>away from her, but she continued to whine and howl. The groomer left the room 
>with her. More whinning and howling until she was brought back into the room. 
>What should I do? Go to more obedience classes, go back to the previous 
>groomer, don't use a muzzle (she did not at the previous groomer and I didn't 
>hear whinning there)? 
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