Poor little guy has been traumatized which is causing his high anxiety.  I
would try Rescue Remedy, it is a calming aid and works very well without any
side effects. I would take him for long walks, but give the Rescue Remedy
(Dr Foster and Smith,com sells it)  1/2 an hour before you walk him. I also
think that it would help to build up his confidence if you walked him on a
leash around the yard when he has to do his business, and if he starts to
bark for no reason, just give a light tug on the leash and say Shhh! in a
sharp voice. It will take some time for him to get over his fears, so be
vigilant with daily walks of  half to one hour where he can see and hear lot
s of people and sounds and learn that the sounds won't hurt him.

-------Original Message-------
From: grands...@hotmail.com
Date: 9/28/2013 10:40:08 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Barking Rider
I haven't been on for a long time but I have a very important question about
our 3 year old, male Chihuahua.  The last year has been very hard on him.
Our neighbours who have now been evicted, had 5 kids, who were his living
hell. They tried to poison him twice and every time I let him out they would
be there to throw bricks at him, or any thing that could hurt him. As soon
as I found out I started going out with him to protect him and because of
them he is now barking at every thing that walks by the house, or he
imagines that some thing is there and we can't find anything. Now he is
barking a great deal during the day and evening. Now he thinks every one
outside our home is his enemy. We took him to the vet and had him put on a
special calm diet and some medication but the medication made him start
biting every one he saw. So we had to stop it.
What can I do to stop his barking???? Every thing else about this dog we
love but the constant barking and pacing is getting on every ones nerves.
Please help us with him, I just love him so much.
Blanche and Rider

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