The second issue for the season of the Guide to Chodosh has been mailed out. The following are corrections and additions to the new Guide.


14 Feb 05

Kemach all purpose flour. The malt is Yoshon till pesach. This is also true for the Kemach High Gluten flour. Kemach vegetable and minestrone soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 3006 (300=day of the year, 6=year+2). Kemach egg noodles are Yoshon only with a Yoshon label. Without a label, the Chodosh code is 2/18/06.


Gefen update: Gefen pastas are all Yoshon except spaghetti, penne and tricolor. These last 3 items are Chodosh if purchased after Feb 1. Gefen tuffing mix is Yoshon. Gefen soups may be Chodosh at this time.


Duncan Hines update. For those Duncan Hines mixes that have Best If Used by dates, the codes are given below. However some, instead of dates have the Chodosh code of 4233621 (4=year, 233=day of the year, 621=not important.).


Landau whole wheat crackers are listed in the Ð section, on page 22 of the second Guide. There it states that for Landau whole wheat pretzels, see the Ò section. The reference should have been to the Ó section, on page 23.


Postum update: The new code is given in the Guide as Aug 10 07 (3 years after packing.) Some packages still have the old code 4233 (4=year, 233=day of the year.)


Muffin N More, 60 N. 1st St, Brooklyn, NY 11211, 718-302-5955,  Muffins and butterloafs available wholesale and sold in groceries are Yoshon. Yoshon hashgocho situation still being clarified.


Chicago Shmura Matzah Factory produces organic wheat, whole wheat and spelt matzos. For products information call the factory at 847-674-6200. All are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Twersky of Chicago, telephone 847-679-3052.


Quaker revised shelf life list (to replace the one on page 34). CAUTION: This list was given to us by Quaker. We have not checked the kashrus of each item! CHECK KASHRUS BEFORE USING! This information is to be used with the Quaker/Mothers talble on page 33 of the Guide. It replaces the shelf life list on page 34 of the Guide.
  • 180 days: Granola bars only flavors All Cookies & Milk, Cookies n Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie, Chocolate Mint Cookie. Also Butterfinger, Variety Pack all above are granola. Also Cracker Jacks (small box), Crispums, Crispy Minis, Dipps Granola Bars, Fruit and Oatmeal Bars, Fruit n Crunch Bars, Fruit n Oatmeal Bites, Grain/Rice Cakes, Oatmeal To Go Bars, Quakes Corn Rings, Q-Smart items, Trail Mix Bars
  • 240 days: Chewy Granola bars except the types listed sas 180 days above.
  • 270 days:  Cracker Jacks (vertical stand-up pouch), Gatorade Energy Bars,
  • 270 days-Quaker and Mothers cereals: Capn Crunch, Choco Donut Crunch, Crispy Corn Puffs, Crunchy Corn Bran, Frosted Shredded Wheat Bagged Cereal, Fruity Ocean Adventure, King Vitaman, Mothers Cinnamon Oat Crunch, Mothers Cocoa Bumpers, Mothers Groovy Grahams, Mothers Honey RoundUp, Mothers Peanut Butter Bumpers, Mothers Toasted Oat Bran, Puffed Rice, Puffed Wheat, Quaker Apple Zaps, Quaker Cocoa Blasts, Quaker Frosted Flakes, Quaker Fuitangy Ohs, Quaker Honey Crisp Corn Flakes, Quaker Honey Dips, Quaker Honey Grahams, Quaker Honey Nut Oats, Quaker Mashmallow Safari, Quaker Natural Cereal with Oats& Honey, Quaker Oat Bran, Oat Squares, Quaker Ohs. Sweet Crunch, Sweet Puffs, Toasted Oatmeal-Honey Nut, Toasted Oatmeal-original, Quisp, Oatmmms, Raisin Bran.
  • 360 Days: Express Instant Grits, Life cereal, Ready to Eat Cereals: Bran Flakes, Corn Flakes, Crispy Rice, Low Sodium Corn Flakes, Sugar Toasted Flakes.
  • 540 Days: Quaker and Mothers Hot Cereals: Quaker or Mothers Oat, Bran-unprocessed, Farina, Instant Oats-Flavored, Instant Oats-Fruit and Cream, Multigrain 100% Natural Hot Cereal, Oatmeal Express, Oatmeal Breakfast Squares, Oatmeal Supreme, Regular Instant Oats, Rolled Oats-Old Fashioned and Quick, Whole Wheat Hot Natural Cereal.


Quaker Barley Chodosh packing date is Feb 1 05, new code=Jul 26 2006 (540 days after packing.)






29 Dec 04


Quaker oats cereals made in England and sold in Israel are Yoshon until pesach, according the company. However, for Quaker cereals made in the USA, the information in the Guide is believed to be correct.


Smackin Good cereals with the Unger label, use the information given in the Guide for Malt-O-Meal.


Liebers update: Liebers brownies and all cookies and cereals with oats are now Chodosh. Other Liebers products are Yoshon including other cookies and cakes, candies, soup mixers and cup soups, bread crumbs, Coat & Bake spray, licorice, ice cream cones and corn chips. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Smackin Good update: Smackin Good pancakes and potato knishes are now Chodosh. Other Smackin Good products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Kinneret and Kosherrific update: Kinneret onion rings may be Chodosh starting Jan 12. The Kinneret challehs may be Chodosh starting Jan 19. Other Kinneret and Kosherrific products, including fish products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Old City and Old City Café products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Gross short cakes are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Blochs Best products such as soup mandlen and baked goods are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.


Beechnut baby cereals, the sample code for barley is in error, it should have been Oct 1 06.


Gefen barley at this time is Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon. The new packing to take place soon is expected to be Yoshon under hashgocho. More details to be forthcoming.


Chadash Pizza, 1919 Ave M, Brooklyn is NOT under hashgocho for Yoshon. All items except items fried in oil are probably Yoshon.


Kemach Flat Bread Chodosh code is Nov 1 2005.


Eden wraps are available wholesale with Yoshon label. Call 908-862-8200.




Dec 21 04




CAUTION: A caller to the Hot Line pointed out that some chocolates may have wheat products in the ingredients. These may be Chodosh. An example is a type of chocolate non-pareil, which is a small disk of chocolate with colored candy sprinkles. Check your chocolates and candies.


HO Oats cereals, Chodosh packing date is Oct 10, code Oct 10, 2006, 2 years after packing.


Duncan Hines mixes code revision: The probable Chodosh packing date is Aug  20. All cake mixes have a date that is 1 year after packing. All brownies, muffins, and cookies have an 18 month code except those that contain nuts or candies. These latter brownies, muffins and cookies which contain nuts or candies have a 12 month code.


Mishpacha soy sauce is Yoshon. Mishpacha barley is probably Yoshon if it was in the stores before Sept 30 04.


Kosher Pastry Oven in Silver Springs, MD is no longer producing Yoshon.


EM Zee Fruit Flicks are not recommended as Yoshon, according to the manufacturer.


GMC Spelt products are Yoshon.


Wolf egg challehs are Yoshon at least till Jan 5 05, probably till pesach.


J&J Dairy products, such as ice cream products with cookies and wafers and other items. The company advised us that they will not take any responsibility for any Yoshon related information.


King Arthur regular white home baking flour, the malt should be Jan 15 2006.


Hodgson Mills whole wheat cus cus may be from spring wheat. Probable Chodosh packing date is Aug 20, code is 082006 (2 years after packing.)





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