Comment #86 on issue 13 by iambob: Closing last tab also closes window


c) Sometimes, someone has to take the lead in a new design methodology.

Whenever someone steps out of the confines of the design cue "box"... they  
are going
to take heat for coloring outside of the lines.  They are only confusing  
causing unexpected behavior... mass confusion... world wide panic.  Then,  
as time
goes on, and all others copy the genius of the new design, it suddenly  
becomes the
new "way"... and anyone who strays from THAT design is the next "mistake."

Although I dislike the behavior (since I am used to different behavior from  
systems,) in principle I like the new methodology because it is  
consistent.  You
might feel it is inconsistent because it does something different from all  
systems, leaving users to be baffled by the behavior.  However, I see the  
functionality of current systems to be inconsistent because, logically, it  
makes no
sense.  Is a close button only a close button, or a button that does one  
thing one
moment (closes the tab) and another thing the next moment (replaces the  
current tab
with a blank tab.)  If you're going to go that route, you might as well  
change the
icon of the last tab to a new icon representing "change to blank"... but  
then, in
doing so, you cause a close button to suddenly vanish and turn into  
something else.

No matter how you slice it, if you ignore "this is how everyone does it"  
and try to assume, for a moment, that the way everyone has done it so far  
may not be
100% logical nor the way it should be done... and apply only logic (based  
purely on
assuming an alien visited our planet for the first time and you are trying  
to explain
in simple terms what a close button does without having to talk about  
exceptions or
case scenarios)... then you would realize that a lot of the ways  
applications act
these days, there are inconsistencies.  From one version to the next, the  
changes.  One moment, closing all tabs but one makes the close button  
vanish from the
last tab, forcing a close from the window only.  The next moment, the close  
remains on the last tab but clicking it will close that tab but immediately  
it with a new blank tab.  In word processors, closing the last "sub window"  
leave a blank word processor open with essentially no document windows open.

Three different ways of doing things from two different types of  
Rather than seeing anyone complain about the way word processors work, or  
how the
inconsistencies in the other browsers bothered them at first, it's always  
about how
the "new guy" is just trying to be too new... like complaining about labels  
in Gmail
and trying to bring back "folders".  It's a moot point.

If you want Chromium to act a different way for yourself, compile your own  
version or
wait for an add-on system which lets you override these settings.  In the  
be understanding of the fact that Chromium isn't just trying to be a web  
It's trying to be much more... and application browser, of sorts.  The fact  
that you
can drag tabs out into their own windows seamlessly adds complexity that  
web browsers
don't need to be faced with.

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