On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Robert Shield <robertshi...@chromium.org>wrote:

> Really nice doc! An attempt at potentially helpful comments follows:
> Regarding the class naming in the Out of process design, the convention
> I've seen most often is to have FooHost classes run in the browser with Foo
> classes in child processes.
> Proxy resolver process / crashes - the document mentions fallback if proxy
> config is set to auto-detect. If the proxy config is instead set to use a
> fixed pac url and the proxy resolver process repeatedly crashes or becomes
> unresponsive could we offer a UI toast in the browser along the lines of
> "Your network configuration is bad, would you like me to try a different
> one?" upon which we would switch to auto-detect or direct connections? Or
> would that be requiring too much of the user?
> IPC messages from proxy resolver process to the browser - What
> functionality does Msg_Alert provide that Msg_OnError doesn't?
> Proxy resolver process / Alive - the proxy resolver process may decide to
> that a PAC script is invalid while doing auto-detect. I interpreted the next
> step to be notifying the browser process of the invalid script. Does it
> signal to the browser that the script is invalid through Msg_OnError or
> Msg_Alert or through some special invocation of
> Msg_GetProxyForURL_Complete?
> Proxy resolver process / Unresponsive - the section just below on Request
> timeouts seems like it answers the TODO(eroman): How do we measure
> "unresponsive"? question. Request timeouts on the browser process -> proxy
> resolver process requests seem pretty important to have for v1.
> Performance - additional latency is (1 + <number of DNS resolves>) *
> kIpcRoundtripLatency. Totally premature question tainted by a dash of
> sandboxing ignorance: is it possible to embed the proxy resolver process in
> a sandbox that _does_ allow network requests (but is otherwise similar to
> the renderer sandbox)? This would chop down the latency although it would
> require maintaining a separate dns resolver cache from the browser.

Isn't IPC latency on the order of microseconds?  (Or less?)  If so, I'd
imagine not sharing the dns resolver cache would be a net loss.

It is an interesting question in terms of how easily it'd be to stick the
entire network stack in such a helper process, though.


> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Eric Roman <ero...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> Here is a design document for http://crbug.com/11746
>> http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/design-documents/out-of-process-v8-pac
>> Feedback welcome.
> >

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