On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 11:37 AM, Mohamed Mansour <m...@chromium.org> wrote:

> At work today, I talked to the CEO of my company to ship Chrome browser
> with all our Kiosk's and recommended Chrome to be our default browser for
> our web products. I bench marked our current web applications with Chrome
> (ToT) vs IE 7, and our applications run at average 10 times faster. (For
> windows, Mac speed differed)
> There are some stuff that he didn't like:
>    1. Status Bubble: for a cashiering application, it keeps popping up
>    every second since buttons are all over the place. It was distracting him
>    from the main product.
>    2. Full screen mode "always" => Kiosk Mode. He wants the web app to
>    stay full screen, in IE, there is kiosk mode command line switch. In FF
>    there is a plugin.
>    3. JavaScript errors kept appearing intermittently (on the Mac), would
>    work on initial deploy but require a "Clear browsing data" on subsequent
>    runs. Works great on windows (chrome). I guess we would be using
>    linux/windows for kiosk anyhow.
> Will there be plans for us to introduce Kiosk Mode in Chrome? It seems the
> current audience is just targeted towards home users and there is no way to
> use Google Chrome for other usages.
> Sure we could compile our own Chromium version, but many people (Chrome
> forums and elsewhere) would like to use Chrome commercially. In the
> meantime, I am going to compile a version with no status bar, but I believe
> it would be nice to include it in future versions.
> Maybe we could allow extensions to control (hide/show) different areas in
> chrome.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but it doesn't sound that unreasonable to support
command line options for disabling the status bubble and starting in full
screen mode.  We could lump these together into a --kiosk-mode command line
flag.  This seems like something that could be done in a fairly lightweight

Maybe others object?


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