On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 9:06 PM, Dimitri Glazkov <dglaz...@google.com>wrote:

> This all means that we have to be a bit more diligent. We shouldn't be
> paying these unnecessary costs. So, from now on, I propose a fairly
> simple set of new rules:
> 1) if you write a Chromium patch for WebKit, you must provide URLs of
> successful trybot runs with your submission. Chromium WebKit reviewers
> will not r+ your patch otherwise. If you can't provide the trybot URLs
> for some reason, please explain in detail why this patch could still
> land.
> 2) if the two-sided patch you authored broke the canary and this
> happened with no coordination with the WebKit gardener, you assume
> WebKit gardening responsibility for the next 24 hours.
> Hopefully, these amendments to our existing ways will bring a bit more
> peace and stability to the Chromium land. What do you think?

I think they're a good start, but they are symptoms of a larger problem.
 "Move fast and clean up messes when they happen" worked great when we had
one big mess a week.  These days, we have multiple ones per day.  And as
good as the try bots and canaries are (kudos to M-A for setting up the try
bots in the first place, and everyone who helps keep the ever-growing herd
of bots running), they don't catch everything.  They don't catch build time
regressions because someone forgot svn:ignores when refactoring where
projects get generated, or accidentally checks something into the wrong
directory (not to pick on anyone in particular, these are just recent

I'd add a 3rd principle:

3) If you change how chromium is built, however innocuous your change seems
(gyp changes, new libraries, etc.), take extra care and use more reviewers
than usual (preferably including someone intimately acquainted with the
bots, such as maruel, thomasvl, markmentovai, nsylvain, etc.).  If you're
reviewing such a change, don't just look at the diffs, try out the patch and
flag anything that seems out of the ordinary.  "Build breakage" means more
than just "doesn't compile"; it can also mean "overcompiles" (which kills
bot performance) or "requires a clobber unnecessarily."


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