On Oct 27, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Mike Belshe wrote:

> From a performance perspective, it may be critical to use tcmalloc  
> to match safari performance.  It was literally a 50% speedup on most  
> of the DOM perf when running on WinXP.

Yeah, I've profiled some of the Dromaeo benchmarks, and the DOM- 
mutation test in particular is spending huge amounts of time in malloc  
and free.

Should I open a bug on this task, then?

> I suspect this will use the version of TCMalloc which is embedded in  
> WTF.  I'd recommend against this approach.  We should try to use a  
> single allocator for the entire app

I agree; no sense linking in two different versions of tcmalloc.

> There is a disadvantage.  I suspect Apple is farther along in  
> optimizing the mac-specific optimizations of tcmalloc than the  
> google3 guys are.

I would say more generally "client-specific optimizations". Some of  
the recent memory-bloat issues found by the Memory taskforce (jamesr  
in particular) show that baseline tcmalloc is tuned for server  
environments where memory footprint is much less of an issue.

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