I get the following error when running gcl upload when it tries to send the
job to try server after successfully uploading files:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\gcl.py", line 1273, in ?
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\gcl.py", line 1244, in main
    UploadCL(change_info, argv[3:])
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\gcl.py", line 865, in UploadCL
    TryChange(change_info, trychange_args, swallow_exception=True)
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\gcl.py", line 901, in TryChange
    prog='gcl try')
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\trychange.py", line 526, in TryChange
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\trychange.py", line 177, in ProcessOptions
    self.options.email = scm.SVN.GetEmail(gcl.GetRepositoryRoot())
  File "C:\Tools\depot_tools\scm.py", line 450, in GetEmail
    for credfile in os.listdir(auth_dir):
WindowsError: [Errno 3] The system cannot find the path specified:

Does anyone know what hte problem is?


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