Andy sent me a CL for review about an extension crashing ( Turns out the cause was a failure to load a Windows
.dll on the Mac.

Huh? Then I went to look at the docs (

  "name": "My extension",
  *"plugins": [
    { "path": "content_plugin.dll", "public": true },
    { "path": "extension_plugin.dll" }


Are you kidding me? How can we get away with not specifying what platform
the extension will run on? (Hint: we can't.)

If we had something like:

"plugins": {
  "mac": ...
  "win": ...
  "linux": ...

then at least we could warn on the extensions website that a given extension
is only compatible with a certain platform. On a load attempt we could know
that the extension requires a certain native library and fail to load it
with a real user-friendly warning.

And developers could *make* extensions that are cross-platform compatible.

- We can't tell in advance what platforms an extensions runs on, so we can't
warn the user (either on the extensions site or in the app)
- The developer has no way of creating a cross-platform extension.

This is a *really* bad situation we've created. We need to get a new syntax
out for extensions to fix this, and soon, before world-breaking becomes
prohibitively expensive.


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