I am writing a pretty big extension and I need a means of testing it.
The tests will probably need to make cross origin XHR's and perhaps
access chrome.* APIs.

In Firefox, I settled upon js-test-driver along with 'hacks' like
requesting UniversalXPConnect privileges along with setting the
signed.applets.codebase_principal_support preference to true.  This
meant that Firefox would happily execute any 'untrusted' javascript
that js-test-driver sent over to it and I could have automated tests
(though I felt a little dirty inside).

Now I'm trying to accomplish something similar in Chrome.
Unfortunately, using js-test-driver like this just won't work because
Chrome has no about:config options that let me tweak these settings
(or if it did, I wouldn't know where to look or what it would be

However, I've also taken a step back and decided the only good reason
I had for using js-test-driver was that I could have venkman open in
Firefox while tests ran (if I started up venkman and my tests at the
same time, I could not guarantee that venkman would start before my
tests started).  Now, this is Chrome and not Firefox, and I've got
better dev tools at my disposal (especially in terms of a debugger),
so I'm wondering if other extension developers can help me out:  what
are my options for testing frameworks that give me extension level

I've ruled out js-test-driver for the aforementioned reasons, and I'm
about to give up on jsunit; here's the error I get when I try to run a

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL chrome://chromewebdata/
from frame with URL chrome-extension://
testPage.html. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

Anybody else have success with other frameworks?
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