No worries, it does not burst my bubble because I could careless if
someone else has done it, I am doing it for my own self knowledge.

That being said, debugging through there code helped find the answer,
apparently you have to get your javascript to run before the content
is loaded or the password manager never knows it was changed.  Which
seems rather bad in Chromes handling of these passworded forms
especially if the webpage itself switched the autocomplete option
through javascript.

// The password manager code checks for "autocomplete=off" in a
// from WebCore when the DOM content is loaded.  It doesn't seem to be
// documented, but this callback seems to happen after in-page event
// fire, and before content scripts with "run_at" = "document_end" are
// Therefore, we load this script early and then run the actual
transform code
// on an appropriate event listener.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', enableAutocomplete,


On Jan 15, 11:37 am, Finnur Thorarinsson <> wrote:
> Hate to burst your bubble, but it has already been 
> implemented:
> :)
> On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 10:24, Luke <> wrote:
> > I have been trying to create an extension to allow be to override a
> > websites autocomplete="off" on there login screen.  Eventually I will
> > set it up to work against any website but for now I have been trying
> > it against a simple selfcreated login form on a local webserver.  The
> > problem is, that even though I can get it to remove the autocomplete
> > attribute Chrome still does not offer to save the login.
> > Here is the extension information:
> > manifest.json:
> > {
> >  "name": "Remove autocomplete",
> >  "version": "1.0",
> >  "description": "Removes autocomplete=off from login forms",
> >  "content_scripts": [
> >    {
> >      "matches": ["http://intraserver.local/*";],
> >      "js": ["auto_remove.js"],
> >      "run_at": "document_end"
> >    }
> >  ]
> > }
> > auto_remove.js:
> > document.getElementById("password").removeAttribute("autocomplete");
> > login.html:
> > <html>
> > <head>
> > <title>testform</title>
> > </head>
> > <body>
> >    <form method="post" action="http://intraserver.local/test2.php";>
> >        username: <input id="username" type="text"/><br/>
> >        password: <input id="password" type="password"
> > autocomplete="off"/><br/>
> >        <input type="submit"/>
> >    </form>
> > </body>
> > </html>
> > As soon as I remove autocomplete="off" from the html Chrome will offer
> > to save the login info, but not when I remove it through the
> > Javascript.
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> > Thanks
> > Luke
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