Have you tried *Churchill Allies*?

*Allies* is the place to find verified content about Winston Churchill on
the web. As most Churchillians know, there is a tremendous amount of
misinformation on the Internet about Winston Churchill. Now, with *Churchill
Allies* you can search credible sites with verified content.

You can find this new search site here http://churchillallies.org


*What is Churchill Allies?*

Churchill Allies is a new stand-alone website created for the sole purpose
of helping students, educators, researchers and ordinary web browsers find
verified Churchill related content on the web.

*How does it work?*

The *Churchill Allies* site uses Google technology and a platform called
Google Custom Search (GCS). What this means is that rather than going to
Google and doing a search that brings back thousands of websites,
*Churchill Allies* will only present links to content that resides on
verified Churchill partner sites.

*Who is else uses Google Custom Search?*

Oxford University, the Smithsonian Museum and others use GCS. Oxford
University, for example, has 40 different websites all of which can be
accessed via their custom search.

Give it a try and let us know what you think.

John David Olsen
+61 401 92 7878
e.   jol...@winstonchurchill.org

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