The spin is this isn't the time to point fingers, even as the regime apologists say there is much blame to go around, all the way from the mayor of New Orleans to the Governor of Louisiana. The limited hang-out is FEMA's "incompetence," which may, eventually, cost Michael Brown his job. And they will make it so hard to wrest it from him that it will seem like a tremendous accomplishment when he's promoted sideways. But it's not incompetence that bars relief, declines to drop supplies, turns back evacuees and cuts lines of communication.

"Culling," a document of The Order of Nine Angles,
states that "The time is now right - both strategically and tactically - to reveal the Satanic truth, the whole Satanic truth and nothing but the Satanic truth in clear, precise terms which are not open to mis-interpretation."

There are no masks anymore. The whole Satanic truth is on display, from the disdain of mercy to the piling of horror upon horror. But the more grotesque the vision, the greater the need of those yet in denial to avert their eyes. This is the challenge before Americans at which the world holds its breath: Can they see, this time? Have they had enough, yet?
> September 7, 2005
> FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit
> Filed at 11:58 a.m. ET
> WASHINGTON (AP) -- The top U.S. disaster official waited hours after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast before he proposed to his boss sending at least 1,000 Homeland Security workers into the region to support rescuers, internal documents show.

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