A VITAL DEBATE: "Remote Viewing as a research tool in Exopolitics"

EXOPOLITICS.COM: VANCOUVER, B.C. - My real purpose in this article is to take strong exception to the analysis of our colleague Michael Salla, PhD regarding Remote Viewing as a research tool and source for Exopolitics.  Michael and I had long discussions on this issue at Kona, Hawaii last June 2005, so my comments do not come as a surprise to him.  I stated then to Michael my disagreement with his rankings in the Exopolitics Evidentiary Support Matrix for Exopolitics, and the basis for that disagreement.

I disagree with Michael's assessment that Remote Viewing is a "Moderate" Evidentiary support for building our knowledge about Exopolitical reality. Quite the contrary, Remote Viewing is one Exopolitical Evidentiary source that meets the test of the scientific method: Replicable results using standard laboratory protocols.  It should be ranked at "Strong."

My conversations with Michael have convinced me that he does not fully understand Remote Viewing and has not examined the evidence of Remote Viewing. The Exopolitics Model - that the Universe is populated with advanced, ethical evolving civilizations operating under Universal laws (as defined above), with some form of governance bodies, and mediated by Universe politics - is in fact substantiated by Remote
Viewing Data

Remote Viewing IS the scientific breakthrough that has made replicable Exopolitical research into the Universe possible.

I do believe my views are mis-represented in a significant, mis-leading way in Michael's passage below, specifically in the following:

"In his recently published book on Exopolitics (2005), Webre elaborates further on his "intuitive method" of psychic information gained through methods such as "scientific remote viewing" and `channelled' information such as the Urantia Book."

FROM: "The History of Exopolitics: Evolving Political Approaches to UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis" by Michael Salla, PhD

I believe the above to be the equivalent of an academic slur. The only place in the book Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe where I mention the Urantia Book is to cite Remote Viewing research which has confirmed independently one episode of our planetary past cited by the Urantia Book.  I do not cite the Urantia Book as a source in Exopolitics.

Secondly, Remote Viewing is specifically cited in the Book Exopolitics as the source of the Exopolitics model, not "intuitive" or "channeled" materials.  This is misleading and a mischaracterization.

The STAR DREAMS INITIATIVE (SDI) Portion of the Exopolitics model is now is a Project Website at:

Please examine the following articles, which mirror the language and basis of the book Exopolitics.  They are based on the brilliant, replicable scientific methodology of Remote Viewing, developed in the mid-1970s by my colleagues at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Dr. Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, and applied to Exopolitical research in the mid-1980s forward:

Welcome to the Star Dreams Initiative (SDI): Public interest Diplomacy With Off-Planet Culture(s)

Oh, and yes - There are those passages in the book Exopolitics in which I urge the reader gently from a Spiritual place to use their intuition to deconstruct 60 years of disinformational programming by the (largely) U.S. National Security apparatus.  Those passages are clearly marked as Exhortatory, not probative.

IMHO, The Exopolitics Journal does yet not reach the necessary standards of peer-reviewed scholarship in this unprofessional dissing of Remote Viewing - the standard tool for scientific exploration of societies in the Universe.  As I indicated to Michael, I have received permission from a major mainstream public affairs journal to re-publish an EXOPOLITICS article to be published in the near future - one based on Remote Viewing research - in the Exopolitics Journal, and I will.

Remote viewing has been developed as a scientifically reliable tool for Exopolitical exploration, research, and the commencement of public interest diplomacy with ethical, advanced Off-Planet Cultures, as authorized by Galactic governance bodies.  No other methodology will give humanity these results.

Cheers, Alfred Webre
Vancouver, B.C.


INTERVENTION BY EXOPOLITICS.ORG: Aloha Alfred and all, I am presently in Italy attending the Exopolitics conference organized by Dr Pinotti so I can only be brief in my response. I am sorry you took exception to my analysis to your exopolitics method Alfred since the intent was not to academically slur you in any way but to simply point out the controversial nature of the sources you use which puts you outside the mainstream of ufo research in terms of the research methods used.

Despite this, I said that your intuitive method is very important since it deals with a topic which in the future will come to dominate exopolitics, the political processes used by ETs themselves, and our need to acess sources of intutitive or psychic information such as remote viewing and channelled source to better understand this. As you know I dismiss neither one and simply give them moderate or
weak evidentiary rankings for reasons I describe in my book.

What I have found so far in the ufo community is great resistance to using sources such as whistleblowers which were the main source used by Steven Greer in his exopolitical initiatives. Along with various contactee
testimones, I think this is the strongest foundation for exopolitics research since all can be verified empirically. This is necessary since there are many doubting Thomases who need that supporting evidence,and as social scientists we are bound to try to validate our sources as far as possible. We have a healthy disagreement over RV, etc., and think that is fine, and something we can continue to discuss and strategize about.

As for not understanding remote viewing, it is an area I have assessed rather than practiced. I think it very significant as a means of information gathering but still is considered inconclusive. In his recent book
on RV Courtney Brown repeatedly refers to his work in this area as speculative non fiction. Obviously, Courtney feels that the nature of the observations gained by RV need to be considered in this way to offset possible criticism since many of the observations can not be validated. I think he is being rightly cautious since we need to somehow validate such information before using it as a basis for a
complete understanding of ETs.

As for your use of the Urantia book, I do apologize if I mis represented you here. From conversations and your book I concluded that you view it as a valid source of information on exopolitics and that it belongs to intuitive methods that you support, both in the book and public activities.

When I return I will be happy to reread the book, and clarify my assessment of the intuitive sources you use, and issue a follow up message article to more accurately describe your views and the role of the
Urantia book.

As for my motivations in all this, I hope this is transparent since I want to establish exopolitics on its best foundations and give credit to the emerging strands of exopolitics without making it something
that can be debunked by those trying to criticise  the exopolitics approach as a fringe movement based on unsubstantiated sources. I think there is room for intuitive as well as more traditional social
scientific methods in exopolitics and we need to find ways to harmonize these to prevent misunderstandings between those such as ourselves who give varying weights to these different sources.

I look forward to your forthcoming article and clarification of your methods in the forthcoming exopolitics journal. As for meeting standards of a peer reviewed Journal, I think that is an important
goal and something that I desire the Journal to evolve towards as more submissions come in and I begin to delegate articles to reviewers who agree to assess

In peace,

Michael [Salla PhD]

INTERVENTION BY EXOPOLITICS.COM:"Former Commanding Officer of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command publicly refers to U.S.Army Intelligence remote viewing data suggesting intelligent life on Mars"

Lecture on Remote Viewing as a Research Tool

MAJOR GENERAL ALBERT N. STUBBLEBINE, III - Former Commanding Officer of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command.

The following speech was given by Major General Stubblebine, an important advocate of the military use of Psi and related techniques. This took place at the International Symposium on UFO Research Sponsored by the International Association for New Science Denver, Colorado, May 22-25, 1992.


"Let me talk to you about where you might take this kind of a tool and do something with it, and again I am not sure I want to be on tape for this. We have looked at Mars, we have looked at UFOs, we spent some time looking at Mars, tomorrow I believe that you are going to hear a presentation on the Mars phenomena, and if I am correct, that you will be told that there are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you for the record that there are structures underneath the surface of Mars that cannot be seen by the Voyager cameras that went by in 1976, which is what you are going to hear tomorrow; I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the surface of Mars that you can look at, you can find out in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of detail about them."

(Question on Mars machinery).

"It's moving, the machinery is moving, so I don't know, if its from a leftover civilization its got a long-live battery, its better than any of the dolls we put out on Christmas, I tell you, OK?"


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