----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:17 AM
Subject: International Education - Global Economy - Free Trade

Education and the Global Economy
Last night, February 27, C-Span replayed a meeting of the National Governor's Association meeting titled, "Education and the Global Economy".  The purpose of this session was to discuss the plans to restructure American schools towards International Education.  Their reason was to 'prepare students for the global economy'.   So what is the global economy?   To answer that question, one has to understand 'free trade'. 
Free trade is/was the biggest sucker deal the world has ever seen.  In effect, the government/corporate trade negotiator's sell American businesses by proxy - by selling market share to foreign countries.   This is not the least bit complicated.  One must just understand that the trade agreements were written for the foreign countries and the multinational corporations - not for our country. 
Take a look at the latest U.S. industry to fall... the automakers. 
                       Wages   $25-30 per hour including benefits & pension
                       Deal with China   25% tariffs to import cars to China
                       Wages   $1.00 per hour - no benefits, 16 hr days, 7 days a week
                       China 'partners' with foreign businesses 40%?  
                       Regulations - virtually none
                       Deal with U.S.    2.5% tariffs on imported cars to U.S. 
That is the agreement that the trade negotiators did for the U.S.  And no... it wasn't just a decimal point error in the agreement because all of the 'free trade' agreements are written with the same advantage for foreign countries and disadvantages for America and American business.  And, even if we dropped our wages to $1.00 per hour - it wouldn't make any difference.  China has a billion and a half people.  They could drop their wages to a bowl of gruel and a mat to sleep on and they would still get plenty of workers to do the jobs. 
Is it any wonder that GM bonds are junk?   And that GM invested about $4 billion in China before they started dismantling operations here?  
So who benefits?   Certainly not the U.S.  We are losing the jobs, the tax base and worst of all, the industrial knowledge.  And this has happened with just about any industry you can name - steel, textiles, technology, manufacturing, automobiles and soon agriculture. 
So... precisely what is it that educators are preparing American students to do in the 'global economy'?    Clearly, if you understand the global economy and you understand the plans for the schools, you also understand that 'Education and Global Economy' is as much of a fraud as 'free trade'.   It is a propaganda campaign to reassure parents that there is hope for their children's future even though there isn't.  It is a way to cannabilize the schools because the plan is to replace them with technology - virtual schools.  There is big money in the education system and that is about the only U.S. industry left to be looted. 
I just hope that people wake up before it's too late.  The children of today need more than anytime in our history to understand their history and their rightful legacy of a Constitutional government Of The People, By The People, and FOR The People because we are closer now to losing it than at anytime in our history.   
"a power over a man's support is a power over his will" Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers No. 73

Vicky Davis
For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it  ~  Patrick Henry

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