Joël van der Reijden has been documenting a lot of the elite groups at his website "Project for the Exposure of Hidden Institutions"
Here's a quick synopsis:
Turns out it's quite a challenge to write a decent introduction to the information available on this website. The issue at hand is enormously complex and a lot of work still needs to be done. We'll give it a try anyway and discuss the history of the globalist movement, including 19th century Britain, the US, Canada, Israel, the European Union, and the opening up of both Russia and China. In the process we'll determine the absolute core of this globalist network and provide an extensive biography with each name. Then we'll put forth a theory that might explain why ordinary politics and the hidden globalist group go hand-in-hand without the latter being exposed by anyone on "the inside," whatever that means. At the end we'll take a look at who's behind the sustainable development movement and the United Nations while discussing the rather disturbing information that was brought to light by George Hunt in the late 1980s and early 1990s. I suggest you pay attention to the fine print in this article and read the biographies provided, otherwise it will be much more difficult to see how this relatively small group of people are all closely knit together.  

Institutes Worldwide - Proven & Unproven

Existence proven or never disputed


 Appendix B




Global Elite
--- In, "Michael Donovan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Norgesen knows someone diagramming Europe.
Feel main problem is that most don't have the bigger map to lay on the smaller pieces.  That is what I have worked on, historical.  It is the same 'map' concept taught at the top, and only at the top, of naval intelligence.  Feel every 12 year old school child should know this.  Our 'wars' would suddenly make so much sense.
For that outline see  Go to 'book', then go to last chapter 'Charts'.
It is also in play (true story) A Spy In Time, same site above.  Explains why always passed on with an 'error', (And when you see the error, you see why).
Though geographically based historical roots the atomic bomb solidified things.  Secret deals had to be made with those countries who had, or would soon have, the bomb.  These deals were made, by my Father's boss, Henry Luce.
It is the 'checking mechanism' for that deal that is 1- the innermost political glue of the planet, and 2- that which took over itself.  It was Colby who stated that the international illegal drug empire is now stronger than any state.  And why he was whacked.  He was pointed too close to the key.
Michael Donovan
Camden, Maine
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 13, 2006 5:46 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] conspiracy theory topic maps: xml schema?


I'm an IT professional and computer geek. I was wondering if anyone
was working on an XML schema and/or topic map schema for diagramming
conspiracy theories. Anybody know of such a project?

Even a working SQL table schema would be a good start.


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