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From: RoadsEnd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 5, 2006 9:28:14 AM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Re: [political-research] Re: chip berlet II

Foxhall, I have never said or implied that you were a part an organized conspiracy. 

Please post where I have ever said that. 

What I have said is some "real" people will be caught up these troll operations. That part and  parcel of the operation, because then the slighted folks then may become the troll's allies. 

No, "Foxhall" I tossed you off the day after I tossed the trolls off. You were creating a lot of noise, shouting and posting screeds. 

The only persons, that I have named as a troll is "Sean," and his helpers Eastman and Webfairy. Whether the others are dogs or useful idiots, I dunna know or care. 

Fox, I notice that in your posts you do not think much of the ADL. Well, spook Berlet works with them. I guess you don't care being led down a "controlled dialectic rabbit hole by your prejudicial or ignorant short-hairs.

Kris Millegan

On Aug 5, 2006, at 6:24 AM, foxhallgeorgetwn wrote:

Mr. McBride,

looks like I just got booted off ctrl. apparently,  or sticking up for you! as a whole, I  

seem to generally agree with the gist of your  presentations, one reason why I don't  

read your posts; preaching to the choir, as the saying goes. Now that kris millegan 

has seen fit to include me in his paranoid conspiracy theory about your internet use, 

well, I am tempted to fight back with some anti-millegan posts elsewhere. I don't 

care if your name is chip berlet, which I doubt it is, millegan cannot prove his points, 

he is substituting insubstantial conjecture for facts. That is the sign of an immature

thinker. chip berlet? well, if he was a great thinker, then I would be familiar with 

him, I am unfamiliar with him, and to me that means he has nothing to address to 

my personal quest. if you have anything to fill me in on about millegan, please feel 

free. I am an individual and my work is my own responsibility, I am not part of an 

organized 'troll conspiracy' as millegan implies.




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