Sean wants to do away with the nazi dot inside neocon circle or
roundtable, or "pied piper and patsy stand-off armor", as Kris and I are
saying. It is easiest to make Antony Sutton the Lone Crazed Patsy
Messenger, simply label-kill or ad hominem kill the messenger, Sutton,
then ignore the message that World War Two has not ended if the fourth
generation of Bush Warco is still on a roll.

Noam Chomsky calls fourth generation Bush Warco "1930's militarized
state capitalism". "1930's" may be a euphemism for Mussolini, but
Mussolini and Hitler and Thyssen and Krupp are dead, and "1930's" is
also a synonym for Samhain and Prescott Bush. Prescott managed Harriman,
Whitney, Ford, Rockefeller, the whole east coast establishment's money,
and "Brown", the British partners in the anglophile establishement's,
money in the nazi war machine. Prescott managed twenty companies in the
Auscwhitz death and labor camp, across the street from IG Farben, which
had merged with Rockefeller's Standard Oil.

People are calling them "war corporatists".

People are saying "corporate welfare". You may have read about "king's
charters", and the king is not going to regulate his scam, so
environmentalists need to read McChesney to realize it's a war not a
battle. All across the FM radio dial last night, all I could find were
two shows, a baseball game and Dr. Drew. Essentially that means there is
only one channel, Bread and Circuses, thanks to "king's charters" to
UNREGULATED, infallible king's monopolies in media and everything else.
You can't even have a union anymore. Unions are uppity, dis-respectful,
when it's the king's charter, after all. Greg Palast points out that
wages have gone down in Mexico and the US, supply and demand, as
formerly US jobs are now divided among a larger pool, US and Mexican
workers. Wall St Journal will tell you the opposite on the front page,
but they can only find a percent of wage increase for the jobs that
remain, not the better paying jobs that don't exist anymore to ruin
their neolib propaganda, thanks to NAFTA and globalization.

President Dwight D. Eisenhower called them "the military industrial
complex", and his message was killed by scapegoating an anonymous, lone
crazed hippy somewhere with inventing Eisenhower's expression.
Label-kill the anonymous hippie, or ad hominem a person using
Eisenhower's phrase by pointing his long hair or beard, and ignore
Eisenhower's message throughout the 1960's and 1970's, ignoring the
military-industrial elephant under the carpet for the duration of the
Vietnam War.

Sam Bush, Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker, and Bernard Baruch made
two hundred million non-adjusted dollars off of both sides in WW2. Sam
and George took board room seats, Prescott the executive position, as
Bush Warco maneuvered Adolf Hitler in the 1920's toward a position as
dictator for what became Noam Chomsky's "1930's militarized state
capitalism", which Chomsky associates with "failed states", not
harbingers of prosperity politically or economically. Greg Palast, as an
economist, dissects the victims of militarized state capitalism.

We can't Sean persuade us to turn a blind eye to four continuous
generations Bush Warco, World War Two Extended, Choicepoint, Diebold,
Armitage, Goss, 911, Saudi-Houston-Baker document corresponding to nazi
dot inside neocon circle which is PNAC document.

Greg Palast put Mike Ruppert Peak Oil pundit out of business. Palast
also puts Sean McBride under by exposing the nazi dot Baker
Saudi-financed empire plan corresponding to neocon patsy roundtable's
PNAC. One of Sean's main themes is that we can trust the dialectical dot
to save us by Kissinger realism, daddy Bush crew's moderation. Better
read Palast, Armed Madhouse, Palast is not so flattering to fossil
flatulence. And know that PNAC is not the only plan, that it's just the
patsy scapegoat plan.

Case in point, you've heard of PNAC, but you haven't heard of the
Saudi-Baker plan, have you? Dot in a circle, Sean wants you to see only
the Likudnik PNAC dot. Dialectic, dot in a circle, look for it every


--- In, "norgesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Re: [political-research] Re: chip berlet II
> "He appears to be a hired gun for the powers that be."
> And you have never proved you are not.
> "Sean McBride"  is a false name you use to post disruptive posts on
Internet forums. Your troll attacks people by name, becomes a major
poster, challenging folks that dare to speak differently and then you
posit  binary discourses.
> You always want to debate.  As I posted from Wiki a debate is a
rhetorical game used by demagogues, which you have never challenged.
> Antony Sutton doesn't advance a "unified field theory for global
politics or world history." If you had actually read his more than
twenty books or had ever talked with the gentleman, you would know that.
But because for your world-view to prevail you must denigrate Sutton.
You do this by creating a strawman argument. Just like the one I am
commented on right now. Your strawman argumenst are many and your other
uses of subtle propaganda are also very telling. Why do you have to use
all these lies and rhetorical tricks to make your points? Because you
are  a false meme "soldier" in the psychological warfare being waged
against us hoi polloi by an elite that are in control of much and are
grasping for more.
> Another trick used in you small missive below is lumping Pat Robertson
and Antony Sutton together. They are very different personages, their
philosophy and "rewards" for their parts in life's drama. Pat Robertson
is not a Christian. He is a spook, like Berlet. He lays down false
memes, helps run one of the main mind-control ops, fundy xtians, and is
part of the whole end times drama game. Robertson ties to intel in his
many African operations are well known. His finances have had there
share of interesting episodes. The physical area and the social dynamics
where he exerts his influence is very important to the elites. Virgina
Beach/Norfolk area is the home to much intelligence and navel assets and
power. The revelations of Kay Griggs about Robertson are concurrent with
the known patterns of elite conspiratorial activities.
> Antony Sutton had his "rice bowl broken" in the the early seventies,
when he uncovered and refused all entreaties to not report on the fact
that the Soviet war materials being used in Viet Nam against US soldiers
were made possible by secret transfers of American technology to the
> McBride, over and over, has set up the strawman that Sutton, myself
and others have some rigid theory that says Bones/Yale rules the world.
That is not true. Yes, both Sutton and I have found that by studying
Bones and the secret society system, that is unique to Yale we can learn
a lot about the ruling hegemony. And that we say that this hegemony is
being maintained by conspiratorial actions that uses a network that
includes these secret societies, foundations, corporations, the
endowments,  the oil industry, the drug industry,  the world's banks,
intelligence services, etc to accomplish their goal of a global control.
> Sutton wrote books about Wall Street, about war and revolution, about
monetary policy, about the Federal Reserve, about the Tri-Lateral
Commission about the non-energy crisis, and more.
> So as to not set up a strawman, and maybe you could actually answer a
question that you have never answered. McBride, you have claimed that
the power behind the cabal that you have stated is bringing about a
national crisis that you are so concerned about, that you spend your
time creating dissension on silly email lists, is the Forbes 50 "Jewish"
billionaires. Can you please enlighten us all the dynamics, the
organizations used to foist the neo-cons upon us hoi polloi, that is
independent and cohesive. I have asked several times for you to show me
a cohesion between twenty or even ten of you Forbes billionaires. There
are a myriad of cohesive conspiratorial conclaves and gatherings by the
elite deviants that I ascribe a conspiracy too.
> Yes, McBride, there is conspiracy.
> And I want to expose and fight it.
> The McBride trolls of the world just want to set up a controlled
dialectic that divides us hoi polloi into unreconcilable camps.
> Peace,
> Om
> K
> On Aug 5, 2006, at 9:14 AM, Sean McBride wrote:
>   Just to repeat the obvious once more:  I am not Berlet, I do not
know Berlet, I have never communicated with Berlet, and I disagree with
most of Berlet's writings.  Also, I have never conspired with anyone
against Millegan in his lists.  I confess to expressing some
disagreements with some of Millegan's conspiracy theories, however -- in
general I don't buy any kind of unified field theory for global politics
or world history, whether advanced by Antony Sutton, Pat Robertson or
anyone else.
>   Wrt Berlet: I took a look at some more of his writings recently.  He
is infuriating on the subject of 9/11 -- the weakness and dishonesty of
his apologetics on this issue is manifest.  But some of his other
writings on the intellectual history of Christianity are quite
interesting.  He's a solid researcher and he writes well.  But don't
expect any major revelations from him about what is really going on in
the world.  He appears to be a hired gun for the powers that be.
>   foxhallgeorgetwn foxhallgeorgetwn@ wrote:
>     Mr. McBride,
>     looks like I just got booted off ctrl. apparently, or sticking up
for you! as a whole, I
>     seem to generally agree with the gist of your presentations, one
reason why I don't
>     read your posts; preaching to the choir, as the saying goes. Now
that kris millegan
>     has seen fit to include me in his paranoid conspiracy theory about
your internet use,
>     well, I am tempted to fight back with some anti-millegan posts
elsewhere. I don't
>     care if your name is chip berlet, which I doubt it is, millegan
cannot prove his points,
>     he is substituting insubstantial conjecture for facts. That is the
sign of an immature
>     thinker. chip berlet? well, if he was a great thinker, then I
would be familiar with
>     him, I am unfamiliar with him, and to me that means he has nothing
to address to
>     my personal quest. if you have anything to fill me in on about
millegan, please feel
>     free. I am an individual and my work is my own responsibility, I
am not part of an
>     organized 'troll conspiracy' as millegan implies.
>     fox

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