***URGENT ACTION ALERT***This is the truth & invitation to help save 
the planet

Dear Group Owners;

Please allow this most urgent alert and excuse the necessary cross 
posting because these dire times call for drastic measures...This 
communication is not really about religion per say but then it is at 
the same time...Kind of an oxymoron, I guess

Not a religion but knowledge and a way of life and being that can 
and will save us all

These type posts are meant to expose most religion for what it 
really is...There are two separate forces when it comes to 
religion...One that keeps the masses blind...The other to open their 
eyes and set them free

Some members in all the groups will not welcome this message but I 
plead with you group owners to allow this truth be posted for all 
the others to be able to digest and make up their own minds

Many do not want you to have this knowledge and go to great extremes 
to stop it

But it is real and the basic content to this communication needs to 
be spread like wildfire

Thank you in advance for allowing this to post...The children will 
thank you, too

I wrote to a member at our WTP_U group>>>

Re: [The State Of Israel] I will bless those who bless you, and 
curse those who curse you.

Hey Laura...Maybe if we are successful at convincing Ron of the fact 
that Israel really is the enemy>>>Maybe we could convince Harry 
there really is a Creator?
Then Ron being the good heart he is could start enlightening the 
masses with the genuine and whole truth
And Harry could be right there to back this (been there all the 
time) great news...This knowledge is not something new but really 
old and ancient truth
The spiritual part of the truth that has gotten suppressed by man 
made religion and doctrine throughout time...One of the tricks of 
the "greatest deception to mankind",  interjected to confuse and 
separate, to allow the evil and greedy to rule the masses
Once you open yourself to this truth you will be truly amazed at the 
revelations and epiphanies to come...If you're like I was and afraid 
to search out so called taboo areas believing what the old schooled 
Christians passed down to us...You need not be...No one can deceive 
you because you will know them by their fruit
These old lessons were designed to keep us passive and from learning 
our true potential...So "We The Peasants" would not become "We The 
The key to this new & ancient way of living is simple>>>The essence 
is made wholly of love and acceptance of all others
This way of living (and not a religion) gives a whole new meaning to 
the name Christian...What a Christian really should be like...No 
matter what doctrine one allows to dictate man made rules or truth 
mixed with deception to them, they need to reevaluate 
immediately...The real Christian thing to do would be>>>To be sure 
all aspects of every individual is pure in love and good fruit 
including and especially loving and caring for all of Creation...Not 
just part of them
We all need start all over and together this time not allowing all 
the tricks to divide us
Now, would this be a miracle when Harry and Ron unite in love for 
mankind using determination and truth to help save us all?...Both 
good and gentle men who have been part of the result of the 
conditioning we have all been put through for generations coming 
together for one purpose?...Our purpose that was sidetracked from 
the beginning
That purpose being to be the caretakers of this planet...And 
please...I don't want to hear the one that says our only purpose to 
be here is to glorify God...That's not true and it does nothing to 
stop death and suffering of little ones...God is good and if you 
mistake bad fruit for good in condoning evil deeds...Your God is of 
the negative force and supporting Israel involves fruit that stinks 
to high Heaven
Okay Harry & Ron...Please go within yourselves and examine 
reality...We need you both desperately to help break the old curse 
and link together in truth...We need you both to help break the 
balance from negativity to the positive
I'm a big advocate at exposing the truth behind scripture that man 
has tainted but in it's duality as with everything else touching 
this planet, it has truth and divinity too
Scripture states that "God's" children will recognize truth when 
they hear it...Anyone with a basically good heart "is' capable of 
having ears to hear...Every good hearted person is a child of  the 
good God whether he wants to claim this or not
We need all get real now...Get the movie>>>What The Bleep Do We 
Know!? Down The Rabbit Hole and wake up to fact that is stranger 
than fiction...Come out of the box and go from being the peasant to 
being a person and help take back all that belongs to us for future 
generation to come
That curse at the end of Revelation in the Bible is not real and put 
there for good reason...The motive for it was not good, as in a 
positive nature, but served it's evil purpose for many generations
We need learn what isreal and what's not real and fast...Including 
and especially we need realize the state (State) of Israel is wrong 
and full of deception
Come out of the darkness into the light both of you, Ron & 
Harry...Throw the enemy a curve and be witness to the rest that we 
really can beat the devil...Whether satan be a real being or a state 
of being does not matter...Our children do>>>all our children, every 
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with you two, please
We need this miracle
Love & Blessings,
Please join us in truth and help spread the good news that we will 
be having a happy ending to all of our dilemmas>>>Our new beginning 
is about to manifest>>>

"We The People United Movement"

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help 
right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"


Laura wrote:

Ron dear-Israel is the bad guy. Need to brush up on that homework;)

>From: harry mobley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] I will bless those who bless you, 
>curse those who curse you.
>Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 18:54:37 -0700 (PDT)
>Wrong again, Ron..
>WE don't support Israel. Our Zionist Gubment does.
>Thank you for showing that you are truly the enemy.
> http://ca.groups.yahoo.com/group/reality101_redux/
>----- Original Message ----
>Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 8:37:42 PM
>Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] I will bless those who bless you, and 
>those who curse you.
>Hello everyone, and God bless. With all the negative things about 
>goverment, I can find one positive.... ...we support ISRAEL, when 
>the entire world doesn't. And for that I will say GOD bless the 
>Let the world bring it on
><http://www.stangood enough.com/ 2006/08/23/ let-the-world- bring-
it- on/>
>Posted on Wednesday 23 August 2006
>Amnesty International (AI) has accused Israel of committing war 
>during the course of its self-defensive war against the Hizb'allah.
>So the outed anti-Israel news agency Reuters informed us Wednesday.
>Determined to prosecute such a charge while the widespread,
>media-manufactured outrage against Israel for its actions in Lebanon
>remains high, the so-called human rights group has called for the 
>Nations to quickly establish an "independent" inquiry into what
>it says were Israeli breaches of international humanitarian law.
>AI, known for the enduring hostility of its relationship towards 
>employed its "evenhandedness" approach by saying that "both
>sides" had broken these laws.
>It is a tactic that is as tried and tested as it is transparent.
>As much as it wants to be seen as such, and no matter how forcefully
>Egypt may insist it is the Hizb'allah is not a legitimate
>national entity.
>It's a regionally-sponsore d Islamo-facist terror machine that has
>consolidated its reputation and built up its growing following 
>acts of violence and gangsterism in Allah's name.
>On July 12, this Iranian-equipped and Syrian-facilitated militia
>perpetrated an act of international piracy by crossing into 
>Israeli territory to kidnap Israeli soldiers, killing eight IDF men 
>the process.
>And it unapologetically committed crimes against humanity by
>deliberately aiming at civilian population centers when it rained 
>missiles down on Israel between July 12 and August 14.
>(An inquiry we can be sure AI will never call for is one into the
>responsibility of Tehran and Damascus for the outbreak of this war 
>their contribution to the tragic cost in Israeli and Lebanese 
>No matter. What we have learned well during the past decades here in
>Israel is that the world wants to see Israel as guilty. Nations like
>France and England, South Africa, Russia and China are quite happy 
to be
>deceived into believing that Israeli soldiers and air force pilots, 
>the blessing of Israeli governments, will deliberately and even
>gleefully inflict death and destruction on Arab men, women and 
>Let them believe these lies. Let them prosecute Israel for them. Let
>them even in their show trials in The Hague or wherever they
>choose to have them find Israeli individuals or Israel as a nation
>guilty as charged.
>These journalists and lawmakers, together with the public that 
>and supports them, are set in their ways. The truth will make no 
dent in
>their bias; it will give no pause to their prejudice, no respite to
>their anti-Semitism.
>This world sees modern-day Israel as:
>* Increasingly a mistake at best, illegitimate at worst created
>on stolen Arab lands. * Expansionist seeking to enlarge its
>borders by illegal occupation and ultimate annexation of more of 
>lands. * Warmongering ready and eager to make war on its
>neighboring states and against the Palestinian Arabs. * Criminal in
>its warfare deliberately targeting Arab civilians. *
>Human-rights abusing arbitrarily persecuting Arabs and employing
>collective punishment against them. * Racist abusive and
>segregationist towards its own Arab citizens (Israeli Arabs).
>We know modern-day Israel to be:
>* Wholly legitimate both biblically and historically the
>rightful owners of all the ancient land of Eretz Israel. *
>Excessively accommodating has proven its readiness to relinquish
>claim to great chunks of that homeland. * Sacrificially peace
>seeking from the early 1900s repeatedly extending its hand towards
>the Arabs for peace; since 1967 demonstrably willing to take risks 
>peace, even at the cost of thousands of Israeli lives. *
>Incomparably humanitarian in its warfare never blitzing,
>carpet-bombing or in any other way mass-destroying its enemies; 
>civilians to vacate areas the IDF needs to strike; placing its own
>soldiers repeatedly at risk in order to minimize the risk to 
>the majority of who are fully supportive of and celebrate their
>countrymen's attacks on Israeli civilians. * Self accountable:
>As a nation repeatedly ready to express sorrow and remorse for the
>excessive or unlawful actions of individual Israelis; holding courts
>martial to punish and prevent abuse of Arabs by individual Israeli
>soldiers, etc. * Restrained in its actions against terrorists
>selectively targeting those it goes after; dealing with individual
>terrorist's property when it could lay siege to entire communities;
>building security walls and fences to stop terrorist acts instead of
>employing iron fist against entire Arab communities out of which 
>terrorists come. * Self-critical to an astonishing degree of any
>latent prejudices and, through its parliament as well as its courts,
>seeking to redress imbalances in treatment of the Arab minority an
>Arab minority that, even as it perpetually complains, happens to 
>the highest standard of living in the Arab world, the protection of 
>civil and human rights, an equal vote and its own parliamentary
>representatives (most of whom are openly hostile towards Israel),
>exemption from military service, and many thousands of whom live in
>luxurious villas and mansions that are to be seen in every one of
>Israel's Arab towns.
>The world is wrong in its treatment of Israel. It is unfair and it 
>unjust. But why worry about them? Let them bring it on. All they are
>doing is storing up judgment against themselves, judgment that will 
>poured out upon them when the God of Israel deals with all those who
>hate Zion.
>Thank God, God is Israel's defender. And while God, a holy God, will
>deal "in measure" with Israel for its many faults and sins, God
>knows where justice and injustice lie in regard to Israel's conflict
>with the Arabs, and the world's position on this conflict.
>The Judge of all the earth is coming soon. "God is coming to judge
>the earth. God shall judge the world with righteousness, and the 
>with God's truth." (Ps 96:13)
>God bless.

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