Power Politics In America

The Bush-Clinton Alliance

Memoirs From A Political Operative

Thursday, 21 September 2006

(A-O Newswire) -- Conspiracy theorists have noted for years that there is a Bush family dynasty that appears to be in charge or play a major leadership role within the Illuminati. This accusation is rejected by conspiracy-denialists citing no proof. While there seems to be no "smoking gun" written proof that could bring about instant court charges of a crime, there is ample circumstantial evidence of at least a strange gravitation of power within the Bush family and politicians. For example: have you noticed the strange Bush-Clinton connections?

Former President Bush has repeatedly honored Bill Clinton with awards and comments for the past 10+ years. In response, Clinton has reciprocated. In the wake of the disastrous Christmas Quake-Tsunami of 2004, the elder Bush and Bill Clinton, teamed up to oversee fundraising assistance for the victims of that disaster. But its not just Bill and Daddy Bush who seem to be pals.

First Lady, Laura Bush has opened a summit organized by Bill Clinton that will focus on the major challenges to the world. Link. But that's not all. On Tuesday, Bill Clinton escorted President "Dubya" Bush into the UN for his annual speech to the world organization. Afterwards, Clinton ran interference for Bush as an administration apologist. There is substantial speculation that Hillary Clinton intends to run for President in 2008. Hillary has made numerous statements in the past praising the elder Bush as well as more often than not, supporting the current President Bush, particulalry in the war on terror and even in the handling of the Iraqi occupation as well as the handling of the Iranian nuclear crisis.

For more on the Bush family, power and the New World Order, read the works of (1) Dr. Antony Sutton and (2) Jim Marrs. See notes below.

Clearly, there is something extra-ordinary about the Bush political family which dates back to the FDR days when the founder of the Bush political clan, Prescott Bush assisted President Roosevelt in the Great Depression with banking initiatives and helped to bankroll Adolf Hitler and to fund the Nazi Holocaust efforts.

As a former political regional consultant to the White House political staff for President Reagan's re-election campaign of 1984, I first became aware of the Bush family power through quiet whispers from high-level Reagan operatives. Many of those whispers intimated their concerns of an almost evil nature emanating from that Bush family connections. There were no allegations, merely words of caution and advice to be careful in dealing with the Bush operatives because of an almost evil nature of unethical behavior and nastiness emanting from the then Vice President himself.from behind closed doors. I was always impressed by such comments and the fact that they came from a wide variety of different sources from within the GOP at high levels.

In later years, upon discovering more information about the Bush family's political dynasty, my memories of the 1984 experiences would be underscored by the new revelations. Clearly, there is something to this family dynasty and the interesting element is how the Clinton's themselves relate to this Bush family power. We strongly suspect that much of the Clinton's source of power stems from their close connections to the Bush family. It may well be that the Clinton's are simply the Bush family's "arm of power" that extends into the Democratic party to control that party is headed by the Clintons. I say this in part because, one GOP operative (with strong Bush connections) I met and worked with in 1984 commented to me in 1985 that a little-known young Democratic governor of Arkansas would likely become the president in 1992 or 96.

This operative indicated an interest in working for that campaign as and advisor. I responded by questioning the operatives political affiliations and jumping parties. I was informed that the key political advisors will jump party lines and that there is really no difference, behind the scenes, between the parties because they're both controlled by an oligarchy of important business leaders and families using both parties for their own ends.

This operative's "insider" understandings had been privvy to whom the elite (led by the Bush Family) were favoring to become the successor to a future President Bush whom my operative said would be the successor to Reagan by winning the office in 1988. He also said he suspected that the then VP Bush might only run for one-term and then put into place a hand-picked successor as an opponent, so that the elder Bush could more effectively control and exercise power from behind the scenes.

My high-level operative had repeatedly told me in the past that if you want political power, you want to be an advisor or consultant, not an office holder because an elected politician holds no real power, but rather is a puppet who is controlled by the advisors and the money sources who funded him/her into electoral victory.

The bottom line was that this operative told me that while elections were being heavily manipulated in the vote count, a seed-change would occur by or before 2000 and that the last rellatively "free" election would be in 1996 and that thereafter any other elections would be completely rigged. He also indicated that the Bush family's goal was to put into place their own hand-picked choices for sitting in the White House and the future presidents after Bush, in the 1990s and beyond would be president's who would be controlled directly by the Bush family. This source told me so much more revealing information about the future including the coming of 6-6-6, but that's another story for another time.

These recollections then bring me back to what is currently developing in the American political spectrum. I find it more than just highly interesting that the Clintons maintain such close personal connections to the elder Bush. I believe such a relationship is indicative of the Bush Family's extent of power and an indicator that the elder Bush intends to continue putting into the White House his own puppet whose strings he can pull. Keep your eyes on Bush senior and all those who rub shoulders with him. Don't be surprised if Bill Clinton becomes head of the UN and Hillary becomes President of the United States in 2008.


#1. Dr. Antony Sutton:

"Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler" You can download it here for free.

Also his book "Wall Street: And the Bolshevik Revolution." Download it here.

Also read his book detailing the Bush family and its power in "America's Secret Establishment" - link to Amazon.com. Here's an interview with Dr. Sutton on these issues here.

#2. Jim Marrs

Book: Rule by Conspiracy - Link

#3. Still more on the Bush Family and Skull and Bones here.

#4.  Dr. Carroll Quigley - a NWO insider and member of the Council On Foreign Relations and a mentor of Bill Clinton.

U.S. President Bill Clinton, who named Quigley as an important influence during his acceptance speech to the 1992 Democratic National Convention, saying:

"As a teenager, I heard John Kennedy’s summons to citizenship. And then, as a student at Georgetown, I heard that call clarified by a professor named Carroll Quigley, who said to us that America was the greatest Nation in history because our people had always believed in two things–that tomorrow can be better than today and that every one of us has a personal moral responsibility to make it so. "

Dr. Carroll Quigley's Book "Tragedy and Hope" (1966) a 1360 page book on the history of the New World Order to 1965.

Link 1  Link 2

#5. Corroborating Testimony on the future Bush White House Dynasty and 2 Bushs as President

 "Oh, haven't you heard? We are no longer supporting Jack Kemp, we are going with George Bush. He is going to be our next President. And his son George W. Bush will also become President, after one Democrat fills the office in between both Bush and his son." Link.

 #6. More on the Bush Family History.  Link.



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