Our Own Nuremberg Trials

In 2007, the 'reality show' of the American rule of law, for the world to see.

by Nat Hentoff
December 17th, 2006 9:27 PM

The new secretary of defense, Robert Gates, warden of the "worst of the worst" 
in Guantánamo.
photo: www.defenselink.mil/

During the mutual-admiration hearing before the Senate Committee on Armed 
Services—which led to the unanimous confirmation of former CIA chief Robert 
Gates to be Donald Rumsfeld's successor—no senator asked Gates if he approves 
of the Pentagon's "extreme . . . emergency" insistence on a $125 million 
appropriation to construct a permanent compound for a war-crimes court at 
Guantánamo. There, in 2007, war-crimes trials will be held for dozens of 
Guantánamo "detainees." The facilities will accommodate simultaneous 
Unlike the Nuremberg war-crimes trials of the Nazis, there will be no 
government officials in the dock, but rather—as detailed in my last 
column—prisoners against whom the United States has itself committed war crimes 
under the Geneva Conventions and our own War Crimes act. These crimes include 
their conditions of confinement and a total lack of the due process that the 
Supreme Court ordered in Rasul v. Bush (2004) and Hamdan v. Rumsfeld (2006). 

Each of the defendants will have already been designated as an "enemy 
combatant" by previous "administrative" Combatant Status Review Tribunals at 
Guantánamo. At these sham hearings they were presumed guilty before any of the 
"evidence" against them (which they were not permitted to see) was aired. That 
means the presumption of guilt will continue at the war-crimes trials. 

The world will watch the total transmogrification of America's much 
self-praised "rule of law." There are objections to this rush for funds to 
house the American Nuremberg trials. On December 3, Republican congressman 
James Walsh, chair of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Quality 
of Life and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies—which is in charge of 
military construction projects—refused to authorize the Pentagon's "national 
security" appropriation. 

Walsh is angry at the absence of any public debate on this expenditure and, he 
cogently adds, "The issue of the tribunals is very controversial. For them to 
move this fast makes me wonder why." 

Congressman Walsh will no longer chair that crucial committee in January. But 
in view of the Democratic congressional leadership's enveloping embrace of the 
new defense secretary, Robert Gates, will lawmakers prevent him from going 
ahead with the compound at Guantánamo? And if the Democrats hold up the 
appropriation, will Gates proceed with the trials in more cramped quarters? (On 
December 10, the Pentagon suddenly postponed its proposal—leaving it to be 
decided by the next Congress.) 

Our rampant lawlessness during the past four years at Guantánamo has long been 
"controversial" in the international press and among human rights groups. But 
the extent and depth of our abuse of these prisoners—resulting in a number of 
desperation suicides—have been illuminated with damning clarity in a series of 
reports by New Jersey's Seton Hall University School of Law, the most recent of 
which, "No-Hearing Hearings," I reported on last week. 

The Seton Hall revelations have reached beyond the metropolitan press to, for 
example, the Anniston Star in Alabama. A December 1 editorial, "The Gitmo 
Games," quotes from the Seton Hall findings, and concludes: 

"The military is holding something less than a kangaroo court that results in 
putting people away—without charging them with any specific wrongdoing—for an 
indefinite period of time . . . History will be very unkind to the rulers who 
constructed this very unjust, un-American system.  

"Those un-American rulers, of course, include George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John 
Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales, a coven of lawyers at the Defense Department and 
the White House, and Donald Rumsfeld. Will Robert Gates take his place among 

The Anniston Star's indictment-editorial ends: "[History] also will be unkind 
to people who tolerated [this un-American system.]" That means us. 

A Seton Hall Law School report from February 8, which I did not cite last week, 
by professor Mark Denbeaux and Joshua Denbeaux and law students at this 
exemplary school, presents the case against the United States in anticipation 
of the war-crimes trials at Guantánamo next year. "A Profile of 517 Detainees 
Through Analysis of Department of Defense Data" provides "a window into the 
Government's detaining only those the President has called 'the worst of the 
worst.' " You can now determine for yourself how dangerous the great majority 
of the defendants are in the forthcoming American Nuremberg trials: 

"Only 8 percent of the detainees were characterized as al Qaeda fighters. Of 
the remaining detainees, 40 percent have no definitive connection with al Qaeda 
at all and 18 percent have no definitive affiliation with either al Qaeda or 
the Taliban." 

The report continues: "The Government has detained numerous persons based on 
mere affiliations with a large number of groups that are, in fact, not on the 
Department of Homeland Security terrorist watchlist . . . A large majority—60 
percent—are detained merely because they are 'associated with' a group or 
groups the Government asserts are terrorist organizations. (And members of 
almost 72 percent of those groups are allowed into the U.S.)" 

Remember, these findings are based entirely on Department of Defense records. 
(Robert Gates can fact-check them.) Also, among "the worst of the worst": 

"Only 5 percent of the detainees were captured by United States forces. 
Eighty-six percent of the detainees were arrested by either Pakistan or the 
Northern Alliance and turned over to United States custody. This 86 percent of 
the detainees captured by Pakistan or the Northern Alliance were handed over to 
the United States at a time when the United States offered large bounties for 
capture of suspected enemies." No questions asked. 

Remember, too, that in the 2006 Military Commissions Act, Congress stripped 
from all these prisoners any meaningful right to utilize our federal courts, 
thereby defying our own Supreme Court. 

Co-author Joshua Denbeaux tells me: "The government's own documents proved that 
the government's claims that the prisoners were the 'worst of the worst' was a 
false and shameful public relations ploy . . . We hope that our reports will 
convince Congress to amend the Military Commissions Act and restore federal 
jurisdiction." If that happens, the prisoners could contest their conditions of 
confinement, their imprisonment, and their sentences. 

Should the new Democrat-controlled Congress not do that, the American Nuremberg 
trials could begin—and later, the defendants' last resort may be the John 
Roberts Supreme Court. But however Congress or the high court eventually 
decides, we will again be disgraced around the world.


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