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Date: January 29, 2007 7:24:46 PM PST
Subject: Italy: Court May Indict American CIA Agents for "War Crimes"

Former CIA station chief has Italian villa seized

By Colleen Barry
Star-News (North Carolina), January 27, 2007 NEWS/701270343/-1/State

Milan, Italy | Magistrates have seized a villa in northern Italy belonging to a former CIA station chief who faces a possible indictment in the alleged kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric, officials said Friday.

The villa in the northwestern Piedmont region belonging to Robert Seldon Lady will be held until the end of the trial. In the case of a conviction, it will be sold to pay for court costs and possibly damages to the injured party, said prosecutor Armando Spataro.

The order by magistrate Enrico Manzi applies to half the villa, the news agency ANSA reported, because Lady's wife is listed as co- owner, meaning authorities would be entitled to half of any sale price. Lady's former lawyer, Daria Pesce, said earlier this month that he intended to sell the villa. He is believed to be in the United States.

A preliminary hearing to decide whether to indict 26 Americans and five Italian intelligence officials on criminal charges will continue Monday in Milan.

A trial would be the first criminal prosecution involving the CIA's extraordinary rendition program, in which terror suspects are secretly transferred for interrogation to third countries where critics say they may face torture.

Pesce withdrew from the case earlier this month, saying statements by Italian spymasters implicating U.S. agents had undermined her attempts to head off a criminal trial.

Lady was still in Italy when the case broke, and his villa in the Asti wine region was searched by police.

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