I had to laugh when I read this exchange.
   Sean: Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
   facts in your statements on this subject? I suggest you research and
   master these areas first before trying to comment on them in any
kind of authoritative way.
   VMANN: soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford foundation,
   ill get right on that.

Try as I might, I found no malicious personal attack in VMANN's post; only in Sean's inference. Methinks he doth protest too much.

My second laugh bordered on a guffaw over this bit:

   Why should I engage in a discussion *on my own list *with someone
   who is circulating malicious lies about me?

What's Sean doing here--writing a defense for Kris? Who appeared first on whose list?

And third is this:

   Sean: Perhaps you haven't noticed: you are the only remaining member
   from the former cia-drugs community who is still loyal to Millegan
   and Dodds, and who hasn't deserted their group.  What broke
   cia-drugs was Millegan's paranoid and false accusations against at
   least five members of the list.

Ahem. I still lurk off and on when there's an interesting post, I follow up with my own research. I don't have time to waste on pedants and know-it-alls. If the shoe fits... In my humble opinion, it's folks like Sean who invade someone else's list and try to change the dynamic. I have to wonder why. Makes no sense to me. If it's uncomfortable for you to try to argue with imbeciles like us, what's keeping you here? Goodbye already.

Linda Minor, my real name

    *From:* Sean McBride <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *To:* Vigilius Haufniensis <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    *Sent:* Tuesday, October 02, 2007 8:30 AM
    *Subject:* More Lies?

    Are you accusing me of receiving a $100,000 grant from the Ford
    Foundation?  If you are, you are mindlessly repeating lies that
    are originating from Kris Millegan and Bob Dodds.  I have
    received money from no one to pursue my own research -- I am
    completely independent.  And it is insulting in the extreme for
    you to suggest otherwise.

    Why should I engage in a discussion on my own list with someone
    who is circulating malicious lies about me?

    Perhaps you haven't noticed: you are the only remaining member
    from the former cia-drugs community who is still loyal to
    Millegan and Dodds, and who hasn't deserted their group.  What
    broke cia-drugs was Millegan's paranoid and false accusations
    against at least five members of the list.  You are one of the
    few people on the list who hasn't been able to figure out what's
    going on.

    If you want me to post this, rewrite it with the malicious
    personal attack removed, and I will answer your points about the

    */Yahoo! Groups Notification <political-research-
    accept-ZtYjXX0uU XdzA9qyDQYbR3A@ yahoogroups. com
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/* wrote:


        A message has been sent to the political-research group from

thehatefulnerd@ comcast.net <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        The message summary:
        ------------ --------
FROM: thehatefulnerd@ comcast.net DATE: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 01:19:44 -0500 SUBJECT: Re: [political-research ] An Unanswered Question to Vigilius Haufniensis
        Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
facts in your statements on this subject? I suggest you research and master these areas first before trying to comment on them in any kind of authoritative way. VMANN: soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford foundation, ill get right on that. in the meantime, i think you've been arguing my case very well.
        I once posted an article pointing to a Rothschild connection
        ------------ --------

        To: <political-research@ yahoogroups. com>
        Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 01:19:44 -0500
        From: "Vigilius Haufniensis" <thehatefulnerd@ comcast.net>
        Subject: Re: [political-research ] An Unanswered Question to
        Vigilius Haufniensis

        Do you realize that there is a major lack of specificity and
        facts in your statements on this subject?  I suggest you
        research and master these areas first before trying to
        comment on them in any kind of authoritative way.
VMANN: soon as i get a $100,000.00 grant from the ford
        foundation, ill get right on that.  in the meantime, i think
        you've been arguing my case very well.

        I once posted an article pointing to a Rothschild connection
        to Mikhail Khodorkovsky -- but MK is only one billionaire out
        of hundreds on the planet.
        In addition to the Simon Schama book I just mentioned, you
        should also read Niall Ferguson's two fairly recent major
        volumes on the Rothschilds:
             Niall Ferguson; 1999; The House of Rothschild: Volume 1:
        Money's Prophets: 1798-1848; Penguin
             Niall Ferguson; 2000; The House of Rothschild: Volume 2:
        The World's Banker: 1849-1999; Penguin
VMANN: yeah, and the jp morgan thing is well known.
        Are the Rothschilds the dominant family within the global
        neoconservative billionaire network?  I don't know.  I
haven't seen anyone prove that case yet with solid research. It smells like a cheesy conspiracy theory, not something
        factual.  Certainly you haven't come close to making the
        case.  But it is a fact that all neoconservative billionaires
        are singlemindedly preoccupied with the interests of Israel,
        and that they exert enormous power over the American
        political system and the American mainstream media.  They
        have been the main drivers behind the Iraq War and the
        campaign to attack Iran.
VMANN: part of what makes these billionaires effective is
        their secrecy.  however, we can see the lines of force.  the
        rothschilds are very pro-israel.  as are the
        neoconservatives.  here we have two examples of "oligarchs"
who were later revealed to be lackeys for the rothschilds. by inference, it is logical to conclude that others are as well.
        of course, the real question at hand is whether the upper
level of control is in the hands of "irrational cultists." this appears to be one of your presupposed axioms. so we can
        both agree that the neocons are "irrational cultists."  i
        suggested that irrational types are very easily manipulated,
        in this case being manipulated to cause war in iraq and now
iran, as support of the US dollar as world reserve currency. you then argue my case for me by admitting that the
        rothschilds are very pro-israel and would in fact, be likely
        to support the pro-israel cause.  i show two examples of
        supposed oligarchical types who in fact turned out to be
merely "holding" wealth for the rothschilds. so are you going to stay with your thesis that the
        "irrational cultists" are at the "top of the pyramid," or are
        you going to continue with my thesis, that they are being
manipulated or used by forces "higher up?" it seems to me that the so-called "trilateralist" types are
        also beholden to the rothschilds.  have scowcroft,
        brzezinksi, colin powell or bush sr ever spoken out on or
        moved against the federal reserve?  or have they rather in
        fact worked to serve and promote its interests?
        frankly i think tarpley makes a better case for the
"breakdown in the oligarchy" theory than you do. vigilius haufniensis

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