"Arc of Crisis" | Divide & Conquer

Global Research, July 10, 2008

Establishing an "Arc of Crisis"
Many would be skeptical that the Anglo-Americans would be behind terrorist
acts in Iraq, such as with the British in Basra, when two British SAS
soldiers were caught dressed as Arabs, with explosives and massive arsenal of weapons.[1] Why would the British be complicit in orchestrating terror in
the very city in which they are to provide security? What would be the
purpose behind this? That question leads us to an even more important
question to ask, the question of why Iraq was occupied; what is the purpose of the war on Iraq? If the answer is, as we are often told with our daily
dose of CNN, SkyNews and the statements of public officials, to spread
democracy and freedom and rid the world of tyranny and terror, then it
make sense that the British or Americans would orchestrate terror.
However, if the answer to the question of why the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq occurred was not to spread democracy and freedom, but to spread fear and chaos, plunge the country into civil war, balkanize Iraq into several countries, and create an "arc of crisis" across the Middle East, enveloping
neighboring countries, notably Iran, then terror is a very efficient and
effective means to an end.

An Imperial Strategy

read more here:

Subject: Swear Jar / "Commit terror, to incite terror... in order to react
to terror"

Swear Jar


State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq

By Andrew G. Marshall | Global Research | June 25, 2008

Shining Light on the "Black World"


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