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From: New World OrderLies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: August 26, 2008 11:56:42 PM PDT

Cartel Figure Charges DEA
with 'Selective Prosecution

As the political conventions dominate our consciousness,
remember that a major international trafficking operation,
like this one, kicks off vast amounts of fungible cash,
day-by-day, month-by-month, year-by-year...

If there is an arena where the a battle is being waged
for the “soul of America,” as Joe Biden suggested last week...
it is here.

AUG 25 2008
by Daniel Hopsicker

The exclusive "Cocaine One" series of investigative reports by this reporter appearing on this website for the past two years made the news, finally... not in the U.S., but in Mexico City, where it was cited by a principal in the drug trafficking scandal in newspaper interviews to support his allegation of selective prosecution against the DEA. It is one of several recent new developments in the scandal, which began two years ago with the capture in the Yucatan by the Mexican military of two American-registered airplanes. Both planes had taken off from St. Petersburg FL., flown to Colombia and Venezuela, and then were busted
when they stopped in the Yucatan to refuel
on the way back to Florida. They were caught carrying
an astonishing cumulative total of ten tons of cocaine,
as well as a still-undisclosed amount of heroin.

Total immunity as a perk of employment

Carlos Gutiérrez de Velasco is the paterfamilias of the influential
Veracruz-based family which owned the Casa de Cambio Puebla
currency exchange, accused of laundering enough drug money
through U.S. banks to buy as many as 100 American planes
for use in drug-running.
In a recent interview  with Mexico City’s Reforma newspaper,
Gutierrez, who is also the father of a fugitive from prosecution
in the case, claimed his family is the victim of selective prosecution,
 and alleged a cover-up of the involvement of influential Americans.

He called on Mexico’s President Felipe Calderon
to become personally involved in forcing the DEA
to explain why only Mexicans are being tracked down and jailed.

The Americans who sold planes to the Sinaloa Cartel buyers
enjoy official immunity from prosecution, Gutierrez suggested,
while people like his fugitive son, José Antonio Gutiérrez,
were being tracked down and hung out to dry.
"Mexican authorities acted based only on information from the United States,” Gutierrez told Reforma, pointing to evidence unearthed by this reporter’s investigation, which revealed the high-level Republican connections of the people
selling planes to the Sinaloa Cartel.

Ricardo Ravelo, a reporter for Mexico City' Proceso, has already picked up our evidence of the interlocking ownership
of the two American drug-running airplanes
 ( a DC9 and a Gulfstream business jet)  busted in the Yucatan.
The owners of both planes were also in business together
in a massive ($300 million) financial fraud,
we have previously reported, along with CIA fixer
and Saudi arms merchant Adnan Khashoggi.

"'Facts that will never see the light of day'
for $500, Alex."

Gutierrez told Reforma,
“The U.S. is offering a deal if my son turns himself in.
But if he does, the complicity of the aircraft owners in the U.S.
will never come up at trial. We need to corroborate and include
information uncovered by journalist Daniel Hopsicker
 and get to the truth.”
Mexicans are being punished for crimes for which their
American counterparts are getting a pass, said Gutiérrez,
pointing to the dossier which requested the extradition of his family,
in which the DEA admits the Americans who sold the planes
knew their clients were criminals and drug traffickers.

But the sellers are not being pursued, Gutierrez told Reforma,
and he wants to know: what's up with that?
Given this background, his relative does not intend
to surrender in Mexico seek relief, he stated.

How to walk on a 10-Ton Coke Beef

The scandal  began with the bust of the two American planes;
but it took off when the Mexican Attorney General’s Office
traced the drug money used to purchase the planes
to Casa de Cambio Puebla.

That information exposed a major money laundering conduit
between Mexican drug traffickers and American banks,
notably Wachovia and the International Bank of Commerce
in San Antonio Texas, which, the Mexican Attorney General’s office
announced, had been used over the last several years to buy
as many as 100 aircraft in the U.S. from American owners.

Our investigation, meanwhile,  uncovered a paper trail of documents,
including FAA registration records, which illuminated previously-hidden
connections between Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel, led by
Shorty Guzman, and their (officially non-existent) American partners.

The dual discoveries were a major breakthrough in unmasking
the identities of people who the DEA strenuously insists
don’t even exist:

The American Drug Lords.

The case, at the very least,  is  a major political embarrassment
in the U.S.’s so-called war-on-drugs.  Both of the drug-running
American planes—a DC9 airliner (N900SA) and a Gulfstream II
business jet (N987SA)—had previously been flown
or been connected to U.S. Government Agencies:
the CIA and the Department of Homeland Security.

"The Shuffleboard Mob?"

There is more than a whiff of official corruption on both sides of the border, swirling around the story. In the U.S., it is a situation with obvious and serious national security implications. A U.S. Government connection helps explain the curious fact that both planes were operating out of the sleepy retirement community of St. Petersburg on Florida’s Gulf Coast, a city perhaps previously known primarily as the home of the
International Shuffleboard Hall of Fame, or the birthplace
of the canary-yellow leisure suit; and confirmation would halt
idle speculation about the existence of some previously-unknown
crime family in St. Petersburg, FL.

There is no Shuffleboard Mob.

What there is, however, is an airport, Clearwater St-Petersburg International,
which has been a federal installation since it was used to train
General Claire Chennault’s famous “Flying Tigers” during World War II.
The Flying Tigers, alert readers will recall, is an outfit around which
swirled rumors of international narcotics trafficking
in support of the Nationalist Chinese.
Small world.

DEA: A Homeland Security internal investigation

In the U.S., the guilty involvement of individuals in the Department of Homeland Security was confirmed to us earlier this year by a high–level DEA official in Miami. And the Mexican currency exchange operated out of Mexico’s largest airports, requiring a high level of official sanction, obtained in Mexico
 only through having cronies in high places.
The aforementioned Carlos Gutierrez, for example,
has been widely reported in the Mexican press to have been a major behind-the-scenes force during recent
Mexican President Vicente Fox’s rise to power.
Amigos de Fox...and Bush?
Claims of selective prosecution notwithstanding,
for the past five years the Casa de Cambio Puebla
currency exchange was itself getting something of a pass.
Far from being the surprise discovery portrayed by the DEA
and the Mexican Attorney General’s office, the Casa de Cambio Puebla
money laundering conduit recently shut down has
been well known to law enforcement for years.
Case de Cambio Puebla played a central role in the “Friends of Fox” Mexican campaign finance scandal which dogged Vicente Fox after his 2000 election. The exchange was first fingered by investigators, and in the Mexican press,
more than six years ago for laundering overseas money
into the 2000 presidential campaign of soon-to-be President of Mexico
Vicente Fox, which is illegal under Mexican law.
Worse: The money was coming from DEHYDRATION TECHNOLOGIES INC.,
a dummy front company located in Alexandria, Virginia

right next door to the CIA.

Worse yet: For the next six years, law enforcement
in both the U.S. and Mexico did nothing about it.

And they both use Tony Canales...
The story is reminiscent of the blatant fraud engaged in by Jack Abramoff
in the U.S., whose generically named Capital Foundation
laundered money with little pretense of philanthropy.
During the run-up to the Mexican Presidential election in 2000,
 an aide to  Vicente Fox named Miguel Hakim incorporated,
in Puebla, the generically-named “Institute of International Finance.”
The company existed to receive money (a half-million dollars)
from an  overseas source:
Dehydration Technologies in Alexandria Virginia.
In a sophisticated tri-cornered scheme, the money was then washed
through the Casa de Cambio Puebla, before ending up in the pocket
of PAN Presidential candidate Vicente Fox.
Mexico's Miguel Hakim and Texas' Tony Sanchez, the owner
of one of the banks named in the scheme, IBC of San Antonio,
both use one of the best drug lawyers around,
a man named Tony Canales.

Enter a Polish Count working for the World Bank

As if the cast were not already colorful enough, Dehydration Technologies
was run by Paul Popiel, an apparent Polish Count who escaped Poland
when the Russians took over after World War II, a
nd who spent 20 years working at the World Bank.

When reporters from Mexico City newspaper "La Reforma"
visited Dehydration Technologies ‘headquarters’ in Belgium,
they found that the company’s listed address was a private home,
whose long-time residents had no idea what they were talking about,
and had never heard of the company.

While there, they picked up a copy of the company’s financial statement,
required to be filed by all companies "headquartered" in Belgium.
What immediately attracted their attention was that, for a firm
with no visible product, sales, or even an office:
Dehydration Technologies was moving a lot of money around.
Everybody's got to be good at something.

"It smelled really bad. We mean, like...really bad."

“Between 1994 and 1997 Dehydration Technologies Belgium SA received loans from an unidentified third party totaling $15 million, while recording losses of $2.2 million, on sales of
Three financial experts contacted
by Reforma all agreed.
 “It smelled really bad,” they stated.
The financial consultants then asked the magazine not to reveal their identities.
Reporters die unnatural deaths
 with some regularity in Mexico...
Apparently financial analysts are not immune either.

"The Homeland Security Rackets"

The Homeland Security Rackets Scandal offers perhaps
the best opportunity to catch a glimpse of the shadowy forces
behind the illicit drug trade in America since the cocaine trafficking
made visible by the Iran Contra Scandal some twenty years ago.
Not since the downing of a C-130 military cargo plane over Nicaragua
in 1986 with Eugene Hasenfus onboard—kicking off the Iran Contra Scandal
while revealing massive cocaine trafficking involving
Reagan Administration stalwart Oliver North—has an aviation incident
been remotely as important or as fraught with significance.
And not since the massive cocaine smuggling through Mena, Arkansas
has the CIA’s hand been so flagrantly caught in the cookie jar.

Stay tuned.

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