From: "Brasscheck TV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Brassehck TV: Why did the Twin Towers turn to dust?

Check out this story...

The attack was a "surprise" and then it later
turned out to have been widely forewarned.

The building was supposedly destroyed by a
terrorist attack, but no one was able to account
for other explosions that took place and the
actual destruction of the building involved.

The FBI had an instant suspect.

The remains of the destroyed building were
quickly removed from the scene before they
could be seriously evaluated.

And there was something strange about the
totality of the destruction.

Hundreds of local people who were at the scene
questioned the official version of events. Their
concerns were censored by the mainstream

The FBI methodically visited and harassed witnesses
who publicly challenged the official version of
the story.

Investigators and other government officials who
made statements about the time line and other facts
related to the case were caught in countless lies
and misstatements about what happened that day.

After the attack, the US Congress immediately passed
a complex and previously un-passable "Anti-Terrorism"
bill which severely curtailed civil liberties in the US.

The news media not only didn't cover the serious doubts
raised about the official story, but also ridiculed anyone
who asked questions.



Oklahoma City - 1995.

These guys aren't terribly original.

- Brasscheck

- Brasscheck

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