Many meetings.  Odd, don't think regular.  Large meeting between US and
Russian military (top) in Finland now also.  Always look for who goes to
who.  Finland not Moscow......, still  !

> Riiiight, because they can't pick up a secure telephone to discuss these
> things and they don't have any other opportunities to get together.
> What's the pricetag on this retreat, held while we're bailing out their
> Wall Street buddies?   Are they really this stupid and out of touch with
> reality?  (that's rhetorical, v-mann)
> --- On Wed, 10/22/08, Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> From: Vigilius Haufniensis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [cia-drugs] Top world military leaders meet in Lake Placid
> Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 3:28 AM
> Perhaps it was someone's birthday... -Vmann
> He said the meeting is an annual event that is
> rotated amongst the countries.
> http://www.pressrep homepage/ local_story_ 295092819. html
> Top world military leaders meet in Lake
> Placid
> LAKE PLACID — Some of the most powerful military commanders in the
> world met in Lake Placid over the weekend.
> Speculation was rife after a C-32, the
> military equivalent to a Boeing 757 airliner, touched down Friday at
> the Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear.
> The 155-foot-long jumbo jet, which is used
> as Air Force 2 when the vice president is aboard, was emblazoned with
> “United States of America” on the side and parked on the eastern edge
> of the airport.
> “I was contacted by the Department of
> Defense approximately a month ago, and they indicated they had some
> foreign dignitaries that they wanted to bring in through the airport,”
> said Ross Dubarry, the airport’s manager.
> Following the landing, a motorcade led by
> State Police rushed Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs
> of Staff, and top military commanders from four nations — Britain,
> France, Germany and Italy — to a resort in Lake Placid.
> The motorcade returned Sunday afternoon,
> and the C-32 and an Italian military jet departed.
> Defense Department officials wouldn’t
> comment this weekend, but the day after the planes had left, Capt. John
> Kirby, a special assistant to Mullen, confirmed that the top military
> leaders from five countries met in Lake Placid to discuss mutual
> security issues, including Afghanistan.
> “I’m not at liberty to go into the details
> that was discussed, but they went through a wide range of security
> issues that are common to all five nations,” Kirby said.
> “They discussed, in broad terms, progress
> in Afghanistan and where we’re heading with regard to Afghanistan,
> particularly the NATO mission there. And they discussed other mutual
> issues of security concerns.”
> Security was tight at the Whiteface Lodge
> and Resort — the site where the military leaders were rumored to have
> stayed, though the resort would not confirm that.
> Kirby confirmed that Sir Graham Stirrup of
> Britain’s Royal Air Force, German Army Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan,
> French Army Gen. Jean-Louis Georgelin and Italian Air Force Gen.
> Vincenzo Camporini took part in the two-day meetings.
> He said the meeting is an annual event that
> is rotated amongst the countries.
> The U.S. military picked Lake Placid
> because while it’s relatively close to Washington, D.C., it’s still
> fairly tranquil, Kirby said.
> “They try to choose sites that are
> relatively quiet that allow these leaders to focus on the issues and
> not be distracted by other things.”
> Harrietstown Supervisor Larry Miller, whose
> town owns and operates the airport, said the airport was contacted
> about a month ago about whether it could handle large aircraft and
> foreign dignitaries.

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