Happy Christmas!  Information on Alleged Crimes & Criminal Activity here
is also at http://C h i l d h  o o d W i t h o u t W a r . n e t
<http://C h i l d h  o o d W i t h o u t W a r . n e t>

An Internationally coordinated Cold Turkey (Narcotics, Weapons & Crime)
Flush-Erradication was planned to occur before 11-9-2001.  (The UKGB
PMBlair was out of the loop because of Blair's alleged narcotics habit,
Blair reportedly schizophrenic before becoming UKGB PM.  Insanity as
result of attempt to create Narcotics, Crime & Weapons monopoly. eCrime
= No Deterrent for Aryan Racially Motivated Crime.)

World Peace plans of Japan's 1950 World Peace business matrix was used
as a Western WWII SQL shell game & all DEA, FBI & CIA personnel were
stalked & followed, spied upon pre 11-9-2001 by those of Narcotics
Terrorists Political & Commercial Organizations to affect a eternally
failed "reversal of fortune."

The Vatican Doors had closed at the end of Pope John Paul the II's Year
2000 Jubilee.

All sin of the past 25 years, past World Wars, past History was to be
forgiven of Westerners & Easterners, all accounts reconciled in the year

Rumors spread that Clintons represented the UKGB's representation of Old
Europe in the finale of what was rumored to be the end of all Wars.

Clintons chose New York, New York pointed to the Scots who represented
Old Europe's "hell", Southern Europeans, Non Westerners, slaves, the
impoverished, the poor, handicapped.

The election has passed & as it did not happen as it was scheduled,
"without a shot fired", there are questions to answer as Scotland has
won once & for all against the Romans, against those who would use their
nose to literally look down upon those less fortunate, those who look
different (flaming red hair), those without money & posh things, those
without the perfect childhood, those without perfect parents.

We've suffered through the crazy Advertisements, News Headlines, News
reports & conversations that don't make sense for the past 28 years.

The United States of America can say that it has conqured the wild Ego,
the Freudian "Id" (represented by key letter Country Ireland), the 
Clandestine Conspiracy using the Gestalt Computer Brain failed.  The
Unibomber-Davidian Cult didn't persist.  Irish Catholic Narcotics
Terrorist Actors allegedly called themselves Catholic "Extremities"
while Abu Grahib & Gitmo were playing on in the news.

All of the Intelligence Agents Internationally have sighed a sigh of
relief.  "The Real Deal is over," was rumored to have been said.

The United States has until the 1st of December 2008 to prepare for the
first of many truly happy Christmases where Santa isn't a Bad Guy, Pimp,
Thug or Scruffy White Trash Hick.

As we prepare for the new year, test the new President's resolve to
"walk the talk", each pattern of reconstruction of past history should
try to "answer more questions than it raises &... settle more issues
than it stirs, not to render alternatives implausible."

--Unknown source.

Get Involved in your Community in Real Ways
1. Don't claim authority. Listen more than you speak. Learn more about
where the priorities are & where they should be & prioritize, put
Earth's Self Sustaining BioSphere.  (Kill the Hindi)

2. Lead by example, "walk the talk". Remember, Christianity gives
everyone the opportunity to repent at any time.

3. Learn Non Western Languages. Appreciate Ancestries which celebrate
Life, that celebrate Earth & celebrate all Ancestries of Earth.  Travel
isn't necessary. The United States doesn't have credibility until change
is seen in real ways toward solving long standing problems.

4. Write your list of Family issues in real terms instead of Spin or
vauge terms easily exploited by frauds in office.  Realize an stablility
in your Community with a Self Sustaining Earth in mind.

5. Don't assume you're talking about what your Legislator & Municipal
Public Servant is talking about. Spin & Key Words used sometimes signal
to Inside deals & Insider information.  Avoid the appearance of
Conspiracy, ASK QUESTIONS, document all communications & keep a diary of
your day.

6. Where there is immediate need -- ASK QUESTIONS, Don't assume the
other person is okay. FIRST ASSIST.  fyi, There is a difference between
those in need of help & those on Narcotics.

7. Communicate your expectations clearly. If you haven't solved problems
with your expressed effort with your Legislators & Municipal Public
Servants after one term, evaluate what wasn't done to answer questions &
either elect someone who has a record of affecting progress or do more
work with your Legislator.

Read the Where Does Racism Come From? Pdf from Childhood Without War



Does it matter to the GOP that all exit polls proved that race
wasn't an issue in this election? (CNN, 2008)
Does it matter to the GOP that all 28 years of Documented commercial
activity, (UKGB Sit Com Television Programming) did affect the Latino

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