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From: "shane_digital" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 18, 2008 9:52:28 PM PST
Subject: [IPCUSA] Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans

Ron Paul Confronts Bernanke On Global Currency Plans

Congressman demands to know if discussions regarding new reserve
system to replace dollar have taken place

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congressman Ron Paul confronted Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke
this morning about plans to replace the dollar with a new global
currency during the House Financial Services Committee meeting on
Capitol Hill.

"Already we see talk….about a new international world reserve currency
and to me that's pretty important because the fiat dollar reserve
system is not gonna work anymore," said the Congressman, adding that
currencies have failed throughout history.

Paul asked Bernanke, "In your meetings with other central bankers,
does this thought come up about a new international world reserve
currency and if so, does the subject of gold ever come up….is there a
move on to replace the dollar system?"

"I don't think the dollar system is dead, I think the dollar remains
the premiere international currency….I think the dollar system remains
quite strong," responded Bernanke.

Bernanke failed to address the issue of a new system of currency so
Paul repeated the question of whether the subject ever came up, to
which the Federal Reserve chairman responded, "no it doesn't".

(Article continues below)

Asked if the subject of whether such a currency, or indeed the dollar
itself, would ever be backed by gold and if gold ever came up in
conversation, Bernanke responded, "only in terms of the sales that
banks are planning".

Despite Bernanke's dismissal of talk about a new world currency
system, such speculation has been rife and indeed French President
Nicolas Sarkozy has repeatedly called for the dollar to be demoted as
the premiere currency.

French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde has also called for the
dollar to be replaced by the Euro as the world reserve currency, so to
believe that such proposals have not emerged in meetings between
central banks is stupidly naive.

In September, the Chinese state media, the official voice of the
ruling Communist Party, called for the creation of a new currency
system following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.

The recent G20 meeting was itself billed as "Bretton Woods II" in
reference to the first Bretton woods conference at which the dollar
was established as the world reserve currency in the summer of1944.

Nobel prize-winning economist and former World Bank chief Joseph
Stiglitz has also called for a new global currency, as have scores of
other top economic analysts.

Bernanke's claim that such talk has not cropped up during central bank
meetings is dubious to say the least.

Watch the clip below:


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