11/17/2008: Philip Zelikow, Neocons - Additions as of November 16, 2008
Several of the new additions to the 9/11 Timeline this week concern the 9/11 
Commission, in particular its executive director Philip Zelikow, who played a 
significant role in shaping the commission’s take on assistance allegedly 
provided to the 9/11 hijackers by elements linked to the Saudi government. 
First, he blocked requests for interviews by commission investigators 
researching the allegations, then he denied them access to a key document, the 
28 redacted pages from the Congressional Inquiry, and finally he fired one of 
the investigators. Other entries about Zelikow cover his interview of former 
Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno, with which a staffer was appalled, and an 
interview of his close associate National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice; 
she was not put under oath and no transcript was made. 

Other entries about the 9/11 Commission point out that its chairman Tom Kean 
was repeatedly contacted by the White House over the selection of the 
commission’s lawyer, that the length of the extension it requested was 
determined by political considerations, and that some commissioners thought 
that opposition to the extension from House Republicans was orchestrated by 
Vice President Dick Cheney. 

There are also a number of new entries about Neoconservatives, such as their 
push to invade Iraq starting in January 2001, their hiring by the White House, 
and a July 2001 claim Iraq had nuclear weapons. Entries on two of the most 
famous neocon pieces in the immediate aftermath of the attacks have also been 
added: Michael Leeden’s connecting the attacks to the decision not to overthrow 
Saddam Hussein in 1991, which was published on the day of the attacks itself, 
and Ann Coulter’s call for carpet-bombing of Muslim countries a couple of days 
later. Leeden followed up by demanding the Bush administration scourge the 
Middle East until US rage was “sated”, and the charge for regime change in Iraq 
was led by Bill Kristol and included Republican Senator George Allen. Finally, 
in mid-2003 leading Neocon author Laurie Mylroie claimed the CIA and State 
Department were hiding connections between Iraq and 9/11. 

Regarding associates of the 9/11 hijackers, an Arab man in Texas claimed he was 
offered money by Marwan Alshehhi to take flying lessons, a Somali immigrant 
possibly linked to the Flight 77 hijackers was detained a couple of weeks after 
the attacks, and a Saudi who knew Hani Hanjour was convicted of lying to the 
FBI in 2002. 

Miscellaneous entries point out that security at US chemical facilities was 
poor before 9/11, which was highlighted by a think tank study in 1999 and the 
US surgeon general in late September 2001. Finally, an end times website 
indicated the apocalypse was upon us shortly after the attacks, although it has 
presumably been delayed, and former counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke held 
something back from the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry.



Michael Hayden Caught in a Lie

kevinfenton @ 4:12 pm 
November 18 2008

Current CIA and former NSA Director Michael Hayden claimed to the 9/11 
Congressional Inquiry in prepared remarks on 17 October 2002:

  “Indeed, NSA had no knowledge before September 11th that any of the attackers 
were in the United States.”

I always suspected this was not true and here is the proof, evidence submitted 
at Zacarias Moussaoui’s trial in 2006. It’s documentation from August 2001 
about the passage of information about two of the hijackers, Khalid Almihdhar 
and Nawaf Alhazmi, to criminal agents at the FBI. Due to restrictions related 
to the “wall,” the passage had to be approved by the NSA’s general counsel. The 
documentation, passed between the NSA’s representative to the FBI and the 
general counsel, states, “FBI would appreciate priority handling on this 
request, since al-Mihdar is already in the U.S.” It later goes on to point out 
that Almihdhar “arrived in New York City on July 4, 2001 on a B1 visa issued in 
Jidda, Saudi Arabia.”

Clearly then, the NSA did know that one of the attackers was in the US before 

It is hard to imagine that Hayden could not have been aware of this at the time 
he was interviewed by the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry, as the NSA intercepted 
Almihdhar’s calls for years before 9/11, including when Almihdhar was in the 
USA, and Hayden discussed this with the inquiry (and also apparently the 9/11 
Commission). However, for some unexplained reason the NSA failed to notify the 
FBI of the calls and this failure was later used as the justification for the 
NSA’s warrantless wiretapping programme.

Obviously, the question is why Hayden was lying. Presumably, it was not simply 
for the good of his health and he wished to conceal some wrongdoing. Given that 
both the NSA and CIA were concealing information about Almihdhar and Alhazmi 
from the FBI one has to wonder whether this was part of a coordinated plan of 

I actually read the NSA documentation a couple of years ago when it was first 
published, but only realised it could be used to show Hayden’s statement about 
not knowing any of the attackers was in the US was false after I read James 
Bamford’s new book The Shadow Factory. I have a number of observations on the 
book and will start churning them out soon.


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