Google Becomes Government Spy 

Richard Saunders
December 23, 2008

The government, in a so called "attempt to protect the people from disease 
outbreaks," has recently colluded with Google to track what we are searching 
for. The reason: to track high concentrations of searches for "flu" related 
topics in certain demographic areas.

The Center for Disease Control is the agency behind this new surveillance, and 
the danger at hand may likely be mandatory flu vaccinations. Flu vaccinations 
and their dangers have been well covered by Natural News, as they expose them 
as being ineffective, corrupt, and hazardous to your health.

This works by using a Google tool given to the government called Flu Trends. It 
logs and records all Google searches for keywords relating to the flu. The data 
is then aggregated to locate "hot spots" where a flu outbreak might be.

Although this may seems dismal, a flu shot by force is probably a health hazard 
that we, and our children in school would like to avoid. But what`s next? 
Government tracking what websites we go to and what information we're exposed 
to? A quarantine of cities, or counties with too many "flu" searches?

One question many people have about this is, "are actual individuals being 
tracked?" Google states that, "Flu Trends can never be used to identify users 
because we rely on anonymous and aggregated counts of how often certain search 
queries occur each week." But it certainly isn`t impossible. Current technology 
could easily make tracking individuals a reality.

It`s unlikely that the invasion of privacy will stop here however. Business 
will most likely get most of Google`s data, which they already have for the 
most part, through many Google tools. And that`s just the obvious progression 
of the world of marketing.

Nevertheless, the collusion of power has never been good, but it has especially 
been dangerous when it`s a collusion of government and private business. In 
fact history would be proving us wrong if we didn`t expect more government 
surveillance and privacy invasion. The government colluded with phone companies 
to spy on U.S. citizens. With the impending Codex conquest for health control, 
searches and websites about natural medicine, organic foods, and health 
supplements may be in danger of being tracked and recorded.

The more likely danger though, is that internet censorship is on the way. It`s 
already been made illegal for natural supplement companies to educate about 
their products on the same website that they sell them on. Google has also 
prohibited the advertisement of what they call "miracle cures", in which even 
conservative alternative medicine and natural treatment advertisers have been 
getting flagged for.

Worse than Google however, is the precedent for government`s internet 
censorship. It first began with the FBI surveillance software called Carnivore 
in 1999. It was a surveillance device that they wanted to implant with the 
company EarthLink. EarthLink fought it, and it was supposedly discontinued, but 
the government then began pressuring internet service providers for 

The next big move was in 2005, when pornography was used as an excuse to censor 
the internet. The government attempted to subpoena Google`s data base to 
provide comprehensive records of searches. Google did not go along with this, 
however. But, Google did cooperate with the Chinese government to censor a 
great deal of its normal content from the Chinese people.

It just takes the slightest excuse for those in power to infringe upon our 
rights, and it opens up the door for them to spread their arms of tyranny over 
the internet. Remember what Benjamin Franklin warned: "Any society that would 
give up a little liberty to gain a little security deserves neither and will 
lose both." And, "Distrust and caution are the parents of security."

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