Afro-Leninism, Polygraphing Michael Leeden and State Secrets Privilege – 
History Commons Update

History Commons Projects, Update on December 24, 2008

The Domestic Propaganda project cataloged several more of the attempts by 
conservative talk radio hosts to draw voters away from Barack Obama during the 
election campaign. In the process, Obama was labeled an “Afro-Leninist” and a 
“Halfrican American.” Rush Limbaugh even claimed, “The last thing that he is is 
African-American.” We also created a new category, the “Friedman Unit,” that 
shows New York Times foreign affairs pundit Thomas Friedman predicting a 
settling of the Iraq situation "within the next six months" over a period of 
almost four years.
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The Neoconservative Influence timeline focuses on neoconservatives in 
government this week, especially on neoconservatives' giving classified 
information to Israel. Douglas Feith was fired over a scandal about his passing 
classified information to Israel, Paul Wolfowitz advocated selling the Israelis 
air-to-air missiles, even though they had previously resold similar missiles to 
China, and Michael Leeden was thought so untrustworthy that Colonel Oliver 
North wanted him polygraphed regularly.
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The Loss of Civil Liberties Timeline continues to expand its coverage of the 
origins of the state secrets privilege. This week there are additional entries 
documenting how the victims’ relatives tried to re-open "US v Reynolds" in 2003 
when they realized they had been cheated half a century before.
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The 9/11 Timeline has more about the day of 9/11, including the FAA’s response, 
another passenger phone call from Flight 93, and WTC 7. In addition, there is a 
new entry about one of the alleged “fifth hijacks” whose take-off was aborted 
on the day of the attacks.
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Lastly, the Iraq under Occupation Timeline notes that CENTCOM thought the 
country was sliding towards chaos in October 2006. It also documents the late 
2003 plan for Iraq announced by Coalition Provision Authority administrator L. 
Paul Bremer, who chose to reveal the details in an op-ed in the Washington Post.
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