------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 23:09:22 EDT
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>, 
> <l...@legitgov..org>
> Subject: Strange Bedfellows: Fox News Scientologists Pushing Sarah Palin for
> President

> Palin Pallin' Around with Scientologists:
> Todd & Sarah & John & Greta
> Geoffrey Dunn <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-dunn>  (Award-winning
> journalist, filmmaker and historian)
> Posted March 21, 2009 | 10:00 PM (EST)
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/geoffrey-dunn/palin-pallin-around-with_b_177709.
> html
> There is something absolutely bizarre and troubling going on in the political
> netherworld of Sarah and Todd Palin, Greta Van Susteren and her
> wannabe-queen-maker hubby, John Coale.
> At best, it's a clear case of journalistic conflict-of-interest on behalf of
> Van Susteren; at worst, it's a sleazy, national power play by a couple of
> practitioners of Scientology <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology>  --
> the controversial cult that Time magazine described as "a hugely profitable
> global racket that survives by intimidating members and critics in a
> Mafia-like manner."
> Let's start with the easy stuff: Van Susteren
> <http://home.snafu.de/tilman/prolinks/greta.html>  is a flat-out hypocrite and
> a con artist. Quote me. Ever since Palin was first selected as John McCain's
> running mate last August, Van Susteren  --she of the rather severe face lift
> and right-wing tilt-- has been utterly infatuated with the Palins (especially
> with Todd) and has enjoyed unequaled access to the Last Frontier's first
> couple and their family.
> There's been the interviews in the kitchen with Sarah, the fawning (if not
> embarrassing) tête-à-tête
> <http://tete-a-tetehttp://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html?maven_referralOb
> ject=3091289&maven_referralPlaylistId=&sRevUrl=http://www.foxnews.com/ontherec
> ord/>  with the "First Dude" overlooking Lake Lucille, the softball
> conversation with Sarah after the GOP's defeat in November, and, most
> recently, the controversial interview with 18-year-old Bristol Palin and her
> infant son, Tripp.
> While there's something ironic about Alaska's most famous evangelical
> Christians pallin' around with a couple who believes
> <http://www.clambake.org/>  that 75 million years ago an entity named Xenu
> <http://www.clambake.org/archive/leaflet/>  brought billions of people to
> Earth in spacecraft resembling DC-8 airliners, it's all been good for Van
> Susteren's ratings. It's also expanded her television profile from the narrow
> confines of legal journalism to broader national political commentary. She's
> ridden Palin's conservative steed into an entirely new level of public
> exposure.
> Van Susteren first used her Fox blog to protect
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/06/greta-van-susteren-slams_n_155746.ht
> ml>  Palin after CNN --with whom Van Susteren had a less-than-friendly
> break-up in 2002-- named her to its year-end list of "politicians who fell
> from grace in 2008." That particular all-star team included Eliot Spitzer,
> John Edwards and Rod Blagojevich. Van Susteren protested, and CNN quietly (and
> gutlessly) removed Palin from the list.
>> "Why didn't CNN PUBLICLY apologize for this one?" Van Susteren  blogged.
>> "They sure unfairly trashed her publicly on that list."
> Unfairly? Palin's vicious and duplicitous attacks against Obama on the
> campaign trail alone reserved her a spot on that roster, not to mention all
> the lies and half-truths she spewed along the way, nor her
> moose-in-the-headlights moments with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric.
> Two days ago, Van Susteren ripped into comedian David Letterman for his riff
> on Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston and the governor:
>> Letterman: You remember that Sarah, one of the  deals was one of her
>> children, daughters, a very young girl, was pregnant and  was going to get
>> married to the young man that knocked her up. And her name  was Bristol, and
>> the kid's name was Levi Johnston. You remember these kids?  Well, they have
>> broken up. Yes. So if you were going to send them a  gift...[Laughter]
> Okay. Let me say from the outset that I also found the jabs at Bristol and
> Levi insensitive--but then a lot of the humor on late-night talk shows tends
> toward the insensitive (that's why we laugh). It wasn't out of line by typical
> late-night standards.
> But Van Susteren threw a hissy fit about it. She brought on as a guest, Jane
> Swift, the former governor of Massachusetts, to tag-team Letterman and
> excoriate him for his joke:
>> Van Susteren: He took it 15 steps further and  picks on the kid. We left the
>> Bush children alone. We left Chelsea Clinton  alone. That was always
>> something that people were respectful towards the  children, recognizing it
>> was different....Do you really have to go that far to  make a buck, to make a
>> laugh?
> First of all, it's an outright lie that the Bush and Clinton kids were left
> alone. They took plenty of heat. It goes with the terrain.
> But more importantly, the reason that Bristol Palin has now been elevated to
> late-night talk show fodder is precisely because Van
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